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My name is Fernando Herberto Rodriguez Amarillo Capo 28th of The Mighty Nation of Templia. This is the name given to me that has been passed down my lineage since my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather, Fernando Herberto Rodriguez Amarillo Capo I of the Mighty Nation of Stralia, who helped to bring our great and mighty nation, The Mighty Nation of Templia or TMNT to the glorious Kingdom it is today. As part of the nobility, I have the privilege to journey forth and spread the glory and greatness of TMNT to the greater world, although already knowing of our greatness. I have chosen my destination to be savage land to further grow our mighty kingdom. To complete this task, I carry our families most treasured arm, the mighty missile rifle which only a few of the nobility posse. In addition, I carry a power suit of knightly armor that no amount of damage could ever penetrate its mighty skin. In reality, TMNT is a small Kingdom on a smaller island off of the coast of the Savage Frontier. Many many years ago they rose up and unified to other few small kingdoms of the country due to the other countries losing much of their population and infrastructure to plague and natural disasters. In about fifty years after the other nations were conquered, each nation swiftly took back their countries. After that, the people of TMNT never accepted the reality and continues, to this day, to believe that their country is great. Also, his gun and armor are both poorly maintained and pretty rusted. This isn’t because they couldn’t afford newer armor. They still are nobility, but instead refuse to replace their ancient pieces of equipment. As far as distinctive features go, he has a cool mustache and dark hair.

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