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Alryish Lahab

Level 6 .

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Tue 1st Mar 2022 06:46

A Scenic Journey Through the Planes

by Alryish Lahab

I woke up in an inn, in a room already paid for. The first thing that struck me was the hue of the walls. The familiar reds and oranges cast by the Plane Molten Skies were absent - replaced by cool blues. I rushed to the window and glimpsed an immense, unending sky. This was the Plane of Air.
As I left the room, I was confronted by someone who we will call "L". To protect their identity, I will omit certain details. However, I will certainly not omit the fact that L began berating me for getting us lost. As if it was somehow my fault I didn't know where I was now, or how I got here. The noise woke up two more people "T" and "C." T was considerate enough to defend me, which came as a surprise, because I had no idea who these people were. They spoke to me as if we'd been traveling for years, yet this was the first time I had ever talked to them!
But... something was amiss. There was a distinct similarity I noticed in these three people. For you see, one was a snake, one was a human, and one was a cat. I played along, but I was slowly able to make connections between these people over time.
As we reached the bottom of the stairs, the innkeeper, and Axiomite, motioned us over and gave us a letter. To cut a long story short, the letter took us to the docks where we boarded a ship. The ship was piloted by a Djinni, who was the one that paid for our room. Paid for more than that actually, but she wouldn't reveal what the rest of the money went to until we completed a task for her.
See this Djinni owned a trading company which would often deliver to the City of Brass, to someone that owed us something for some reason. Pretty sketchy but whatever - work is work.
1) We were taken to a city called Ghara, briefed on the way there. Our job was to break into a clock shop and steal their most valuable clocks, then hop on a new ship to deliver them for "deidentification." They need clocks in the Plane of Air because everything moves in a relative frame of reference. One slab of land might be flying 10,000 miles/clock tick Fireward and you'd have to find a way of intercepting it, matching its speed, safely docking, and then find out your next destination. All of that is done using these clocks.
We grab the clocks but the guards are alerted. We try to lose them in the streets, but they can fly, so not much hope there. They chase us to the edge of the land mass, near the docks. Cornered, we start fighting the guards. We quickly realise this is a losing fight, but fortunately, our escape vessel has manoeuvred itself and is flying parallel to the edge of the land mass. Vessel is moving at something like 140 miles per Full Spell so the guards can't catch it, but we have to jump. First is C, jumps off and braces for impact. Then it's me, I speed myself up and jump so that the ship is slower relative to me. L tries to escape, but one of the guards knocks L off, and now L is stranded, unable to move relative to anything. With gritted teeth, T realises this is our only chance and jumps too. I was able to pull L aboard as we impact the vessel . It hits us like a truck, but takes us away.
2) Djinni had stashed our presents - a bunch of armour and weapon runes. Next mission was to intercept a rival ship and steal its contents. What we weren't told was that they were trading in slaves. Which also meant they were armed. This time we were prepared, and able to stand toe-to-toe with these guards. Made sure not to stand at the edge of the ship. the Djinnis that were piloting the ships were trying to out-manoeuvre each other. I was on defence duty.
After the fight was over, we carried all the goods across to our ship. Our Djinni friend said that they were going to take the slaves back, but wouldn't elaborate when T asked what would become of them.
I took note of some more strange things during the combats. You see, the snake was able to rage, use the power of lightning, and used a two-handed weapon. The cat used daggers to sneak up to people and make pin-point attacks when the enemy was distracted. The human was a divine caster. Do you see the connections?
After the whole ordeal in the Plane of Air, we were quite soured by our employer, especially with the slave stuff. We asked to be taken back to the City of Brass, so we were put on a ship and asked to stay in the cargo hold. We helped out with some menial tasks but were occasionally required to hide when there was a cargo search. We kept one of the bad clocks from the Plane of Air to keep time, but eventually it ran out of counters so we weren't sure how much time had passed. When we arrived, we were escorted off the ship under the cover of "night." See, there was no more sky. In fact, I wasn't able to recognise any of the crew anymore - most of them were either Azari or mephits. Once we had an opportunity to orient ourselves, we realised we were in a giant cavern, lit by various lanterns and glowing vegetation. This was the Plane of Earth.
3) We were on our own now, with little money but no debts. We spend the rest of what we had travelling Fireward via Giant Millipede, in the hopes of finding work. No one was going to hire us in the heart of the city. I was of the opinion that we should just rob a traveller, make some quick bucks. For some reason I was out-voted. We made it to the Dutchy of Etria. Had to spend the first night outside when we realised we didn't have enough for accommodation. Started doing some odd-jobs around to scrape on by. I proposed that we set ourselves up as private body guards, and others seemed keen. Managed to get contracted eventually to a Shaitan merchant who was willing to let us stay in the shop. It was good money. Very good money.
C woke up one night to the sound of breaking glass and woke the rest of us up. We got our weapons and ran down stairs. We saw a cloaked figure slip through the back room. Running after them, we quickly arrived at the bedroom of the merchant, who was now lying dead on the ground. The group of masked, robed assassins turned around. While I wasn't comfortable fighting with a group of people who had just killed a Shaitan, it didn't seem like we had a choice.
The close quarters combat was quite difficult. I was able to throw a couple of spells into the room before all the enemies could spread. T and our new friend formed a good front-line while C was able to hop in, stab and roll out. They were able to keep the enemies off of me. As their numbers started to thin, one of them got a lucky shot on T and T went down. I was able to bring T back up, and we cleaned up. We came out victorious in the fight, with some of the enemies fleeing. We managed to loot some various items of unknown value, but the sound of guards meant that we had to leave immediately.
As we were escaping, we realised that the crime would be linked to us. We were new arrivals to the town, who were just employed, and our employer was assassinated. Very suspicious. We left the town on foot, hoping to get back to the City. Because we were on foot, we had to fight off some native creatures to the Plane of Earth. After a while we managed to reach the next Dutchy, where we used the Giant Millipede transport to arrive at the City. We had our items appraised, which were surprisingly valuable. Some of the things we picked up were also considered a currency of their own. We managed to get enough money to purchase passage on a ship back to the City of Brass, with a good sum left over.

The major events and journals in Alryish's history, from the beginning to today.

Recovering the package - Session 1

02:48 am - 23.06.2022

Recovering the package - Session 1

08:54 am - 13.06.2022

The session

08:54 am - 13.06.2022

The session

08:54 am - 13.06.2022

The Search for the Malik and Alsaqru - Session 2

03:39 am - 06.06.2022

The Search for the Malik and Alsaqru - Session 2

07:02 am - 01.03.2022

A Scenic Journey Through the Planes

I woke up in an inn, in a room already paid for. The first thing that struck me was the hue of the walls. The familiar reds and oranges cast by the Plane Molten Skies were absent - replaced by cool blues. I rushed to the window and glimpsed an immense, un...

08:38 am - 28.02.2022

Duskfathom Contract 3 - Session 1a

10:15 pm - 14.02.2022

Every cycle a messenger is sent among the Orders to go to great beyond Since recent brass gov change, arrival to the city of brass - every messenger that arrives is killed Difficult to recover messengers Sultan and Malik are present at the massacre Poor results at recovering information/communication No word from the material plane Go back to city of brass, convince/compel along the leads to give relevant information and kill anyone that opposes the Orders Nature of mission is information and asset acquisition.

06:41 am - 14.02.2022

In this initial briefing we will be given background information Feasibility assessment done by the order of poison afterwards, here in Duskfathom Secondary briefing with relevant mission details if mission is considered feasible After which we will have an opportunity to make purchases

06:26 am - 14.02.2022

Duskfathom Contract 3 - Session 1a

06:22 am - 14.02.2022

Duskfathom Contracts - Killing Obaid - Regrouping with Alyrish

11:11 am - 26.01.2022

Duskfathom Contracts - Killing Obaid - Regrouping with Alyrish

10:14 am - 26.01.2022

Witchers get richer

09:44 am - 26.01.2022

Duskfathom Contracts - Killing Obaid - Regrouping with Alyrish

09:41 am - 26.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Alryish.

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