Alesana Dwric

A heathen erinin with a big mouth and an even bigger attitude, she is in charge of running the day-to-day affairs of the Wardens of the Wayward. She is also the nominal queen of the erinindal city-state of Kassar.

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by Alesana Dwric

I'm going to be upfront. People who work here could probably blow up one corner of the building and I wouldn't fire them. The paperwork is a hassle, and trying to find someone with half-decent skills to move to the middle of nowhere and help run a fledgling guild is an even bigger headache. I appreciate that the founders are spreading the word, but at this point I have to ask the question of whether we're expanding too fast.

That in mind, I have no idea why people are so afraid of reporting things. This brother and sister duo are particularly bad. I have no idea when it happened, but if Thurkear hadn't insisted, strongly, that Cwrryn let him take a look at his bandaged hand, we might have ended up with a one-handed Master of the Forge. Does he have any idea how bad that could make us look? Let's not even talk about the guild's potential liability. They're also my responsibility. I care about their health. Stupidity like this helps no one.


Anyway about that fucking chimney. Wyllea had all of two months to report that shit to me. Here I was, sitting in my office, having already forgotten about that weird earthquake a little while back, thinking that the shaking had been the biggest concern, when the most ungodly sound interrupts my peace. She's lucky I wasn't talking to a potential client at that time or I would have shot someone.


So I come storming out of my office and the first thing I notice when I enter the kitchen is that it's a lot less stuffy than I remember. Oh, don't get me wrong, the chimney had fallen and torn a hole in the wall. It was pretty obvious. But I think my mind was in denial for a few seconds. Now, I'm not a builder or anything, but any self-respecting erinin knows that chimneys don't just give out like that. There would have been signs. So I don't think I can be blamed for getting angry.


Anyway, I'm past that now. Labor alone is probably going to cost us a bit. Paying for materials and delivery is going to just add on to the costs. It's not too big of a deal since the Dominion was at least nice enough to keep the whole banishment shit discreet, and contracts are still coming in, but it's just a totally unnecessary headache that could have been avoided. I don't even want to think about what I would do if that shit had killed someone.

Alesana's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Letter of Condemnation: Excerpt
  2. Chimneys

The major events and journals in Alesana's history, from the beginning to today.

One thing we failed to consider was that young adults are particularly adept at fucking like rabbits. Normally this won't be a problem, but the guild definitely doesn't have the infrastructure to support infants. Thus, from this day forward, guild members who produce children will be put up for adoption.[br][br] No. The children will be cared for. The idiots that made it will be put up for adoption. What we save in their salaries should more than cover caring for the child.

04:35 pm - 06.07.2019

Every day we stray further from... Well, I have no fucking idea what we're straying from, I just know it's nothing good.[br][br] There's a proper time and place for fucking like rabbits but for the sake of all that is decent in the world, it's not in your boss' office. Last time I trust a guildie to fetch me a document from my study. Gods' sakes.

02:01 pm - 26.06.2019

It's strange to think that you don't ever really figure out if you got a good mentor until it's years later and you've learned all that you can. That's [i]really[/i] when it hits you that maybe you wouldn't have been able to do it if your mentor hadn't cared so much, or hadn't been so insistent in waiting for you to learn one thing before moving to the next, even if it [i]was[/i] infuriating at times.[br][br] I don't really expect to have any children of my own, gods forbid, and while I don't really care to leave behind any progeny, I [i]would[/i] like to at least preserve all the skills that I learned from my mentor. House Dwric rose to prominence because we were the best at ranging the bowels of the mountains and I'd like to teach our tricks to someone, someday. An honorary heir to my name, I suppose.[br][br] But [i]fuck me[/i] none of this lot have a [i]chance[/i].

03:36 am - 15.06.2019

We don't often get visitors out here. By that I mean, we don't often get visitors who aren't looking to procure our services. Still, it's quite a surprise when someone with a religious agenda [i]does[/i] come around. She's just left, but there was an old lady with a small entourage of young men who looked barely trained in the sword. She wanted to talk to the young ones, said she was the servant of the Verdant Queen — not that I've ever heard of that particular goddess. She seemed really sweet, so I didn't see any issue. Doesn't look like any of her words really resonated with the younglings so I feel a bit bad for her, but at least she didn't push things. Would have offered them dinner but they insisted on getting on their way...

01:50 pm - 13.06.2019

I haven't really lived among humans for very long, and it still baffles me to no end how flippant they are about their garbage. They don't have a catastrophic plague, with causes directly rooted in a horrifically inefficient waste management system, that nearly wiped out their entire civilization in their history books, granted, but one would think that they would at least be a [i]little[/i] conscientious about their environment.[br][br] I'm glad to see that the younger ones are starting to take a heart the lessons taught by the Dominion, but that still doesn't excuse dumping garbage in the river just because we happen to be next to one. That's just [i]wrong[/i]. Gods. You'd think that these rivers were kept clean magically instead of by responsible disposal of waste.

05:53 pm - 06.06.2019

There are days that I think we would all be better off if the founders were here to help with supervising the guild. And then I remember that they're basically children who need supervision themselves. I'd like to know what my mother would say if she knew that I was basically running a nursery these days. She'd probably have a fit.

05:22 pm - 02.06.2019

The repairs have concluded and we've even managed to get a little shed for no extra cost out of it, since there was a good amount of stone leftover, on the condition that we consider this particular mason and carpenter for any future work. It was an offer too good to pass up, and I'm more than happy to be establishing good business connections for the Wardens.[br][br] Still. This has been a major pain in the ass, so I hope that we don't have to deal with anything like this again anytime soon.

03:41 am - 31.05.2019

I'd say I'm pretty good at managing the day-to-day affairs of a guild. I think we can even grow significantly more before I have to select a deputy and delegate duties to them.[br][br] Affairs of state are a different matter entirely, however. As much as it would entertain me to no end to rule over those bastards in Kassar, I genuinely don't see myself as being fit to be queen. Luckily, I don't have to be. Queen Nominal seems like a good enough title to me. I can [i]still[/i] hold it over those fuckers' heads.

03:18 am - 26.05.2019

Rule #4 of cave exploration: For the love of whatever higher power you hold yourself accountable to, watch where you're going. It takes only one misstep to get stuck beyond hope of redemption.

10:34 pm - 25.05.2019

Work is still ongoing on the repairs to the guild hall. Not much has happened the last couple of days. Everyone's been on their best behavior—thank goodness. Although we did have that one incident involving a few chemicals... Oh well. Can't expect things to go perfectly.

04:13 pm - 25.05.2019

It looks like the earthquake caused some damage up north in IldDamenar. The mason and his carpenter partner were apparently swamped in work last month and they're still going around fixing things that weren't noticed the first time. Seems they suspect that the earthquake wasn't purely natural since minor rumbling isn't supposed to produce damage like this. Apparently. [br][br] For how relatively often earthquakes happened in Kassar, the folks there acted like they were all apocalyptic, even the smallest ones. Hard to blame them, living [i]in[/i] the mountain, but still. Maybe it's worth looking into.

04:15 am - 24.05.2019

All in all, the mason's estimating that we're looking at around 290 silver and 80 copper if things go according to plan. Could have been worse. Actually better than anticipated. That being said, maybe I shouldn't have insisted that we use their best-quality stone for this project. Could have really cut the price down a bit...

04:59 am - 23.05.2019

The damage to the kitchen turns out to not be as apocalyptic as expected. But the mason has a couple concerns about the rest of the structure. All in all the repairs are still going to cost about 300 silver, but at least it won't be more than that.

12:51 am - 23.05.2019

Ah. Finally. The mason's here. The stone's a day behind, but it will at least give him some time to examine the damage and see what needs to be done. Maybe he can salvage some of the old chimney.

08:39 pm - 22.05.2019

Because [i]apparently[/i] it needs to be said: reminder to all members, full, part-time, and provisional, of the wardens of the wayward, all activities pyrochemistry, pyrotechnics, and/or pyromancy are to be performed [i]outside[/i] of the guild hall. Any place on the grounds, that is not in any danger of starting a raging wildfire, [i]EXCEPT[/i] for the guild hall can be used for your antics. Anyone found to be violating this policy will be personally skinned and buried alive in a termite mound by yours truly.

03:51 pm - 22.05.2019

Rule #3 of cave exploration: as "fun" an idea it might sound to, it's not worth doing it intoxicated. I don't care what kind of shit you're fucked up on: alcohol, magic mushrooms, butterfly dust, whatever. I'm not going to be responsible for you falling into a cave system with no way out and starving to death.

12:23 pm - 22.05.2019

For the last [i]fucking[/i] time, I don't care how well educated you say you are, your quarters in the guild hall are [i]not[/i], and I repeat, [b][i]NOT[/i][/b] the fucking place to indulge your pyromaniac fantasies.

12:05 pm - 22.05.2019

It's probably worth asking around for a competent carpenter because who doesn't want to leave a pretty comfortable and secure job in a big city to live out in the middle of nowhere a few days away from the nearest major settlement? Although, to be fair, I'm not the one who's gonna be paying them.[br][br] #wardens-of-the-wayward

04:27 am - 22.05.2019

[b]Good news:[/b] finally managed to cordon off the part of the wall that was taken down by the chimney[br][br] [b]Bad news:[/b] the wind picked up last night and swept rain into the kitchen, ruining quite a few things that we didn't have the foresight to move.[br][br] [b]Good news:[/b] food is probably going to be cooked over a campfire tonight.[br][br] [b]Bad news:[/b] all the firewood is soaked through because we still don't have a shed for that.[br][br] Thurkear's been calling down divine fire on the pile of wood for half an hour and it's just not catching.

04:24 am - 22.05.2019

Perks of being in charge of the guild hall: a master key to sneak into Ailos' room and sneak a drink when things get a bit too hectic.

03:36 am - 22.05.2019

Rule #2 of cave exploration: No open flames! I don't care that we're not in an abandoned coal mine. [i]I[/i] don't want to risk my pretty face. Also. Leave those torches at home. If I wanted to choke on smoke in an enclosed space, I'd shove my face down a chimney... Not that we have one here at the moment.[br][br] #wardens-of-the-wayward

01:02 am - 22.05.2019

It's peaceful around this place today. Gods. Tomorrow is going to be a disaster, isn't it?[br][br]#wardens-of-the-wayward

07:57 pm - 21.05.2019

Rule #1-b: Despite their name, rockmaidens are not eccentric but beautiful virgin women who dwell and sing in the caves. They are extremely territorial reptiles. Try not to get it in your head that courtship will ever be successful.

05:08 pm - 21.05.2019

Rule #1 of delving deep into the mountains of the north: if you hear singing and it's not the bard being a little shit, you should probably run the other way.

02:46 pm - 21.05.2019

Luckily the rain hasn't been so bad as to make the river more dangerous. Watching Rallik toss rowdy teenagers into the water has been the highlight of my day.

01:52 am - 21.05.2019

One of the young'ns decided it would be a great idea to translate the great winter pastime of the south, snowball fights, to the climate of the north. You can imagine the amount of mud that was flung around, in the middle of pouring rain no less. I don't think I've seen an old man wield a broom with such fatal precision to defend a threshold before in my life.[br][br]#wardens-of-the-wayward

01:41 am - 21.05.2019

That being said, there's something about sipping a hot cup of tea while staring out the gaping hole left by a collapsed chimney that's strangely satisfying. #wardens-of-the-wayward

04:37 pm - 20.05.2019

It's raining today. Which means things around here should probably be more subdued. It would be great if not for the fact there's a fucking hole in the kitchen. #wardens-of-the-wayward

03:57 pm - 20.05.2019


I'm going to be upfront. People who work here could probably blow up one corner of the building and I wouldn't fire them. The paperwork is a hassle, and trying to find someone with half-decent skills to move to the middle of nowhere and help run a fledgli...

11:23 pm - 19.05.2019

One of the downsides of this job is that I don't get to go back to Kassar to watch the judge throw the book at that rotten old bastard. Although... Maybe I can pay someone to [i]actually[/i] throw a book at him.

08:17 pm - 19.05.2019

You know you have an alcohol problem when: your room is a glorified winecellar.

07:11 pm - 19.05.2019

Hmmm... The Wardens may be in the market for a pair of escape-proof manacles at some point soon. Having Thurkear around has really helped drive our healthcare costs down. Problem is, he's a bit of a flight risk.

06:46 pm - 19.05.2019

Ouch. One of the new recruits has a black eye on him. Natrin and Barrik are taking bets on who did it and why. I put 10 silver on the little blue guy, but in all honesty it could have been Rallik. It's obviously from training though.

05:09 pm - 19.05.2019

Money isn't always appropriate to ask for. The Dominion makes sure everyone can save for a rainy day [b]and[/b] live comfortably, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to ask people to use those funds. A little quid pro quo goes a long way...[br][br]But seriously... When this guy said he'd trade some pig in exchange for finding his child I expected maybe a live pig or a little meat. Not a fucking wagonful. Not that I'm complaining. It's just that the kitchen is a bit of a mess at the moment.

01:58 pm - 19.05.2019

These days it's 50/50 when people bang on the door in the middle of the night. Sometimes it's people in genuine need, a lot of whom can't pay, and sometimes it's adventurers who think they're big shots for taking down a big wolf or a particularly grumpy bear. Luckily I've got a little blue lizard who's always looking for the next big challenge. And it's also pretty funny to see wannabes get their asses handed to them.

04:08 am - 19.05.2019

This chimney is a very appropriate metaphor for the founders of the Wardens of the Wayward. It's fucked.

02:17 am - 19.05.2019

[p]Calm. Calm. Now that I look at the damage, it isn't so bad.[/p] [p]I don't know if I'm just in denial.[/p]

12:33 am - 19.05.2019

This. This is why I insist on people reporting [i]everything[/i] to me. Something that would have probably taken a mason an hour to fix for 20 silver is now going to take 300 because transferring materials and labor to the middle of nowhere, "FOUNDERS," comes at a fucking premium! 300 silver! FOR A FUCKING CHIMNEY. YOU JUST HAD TO REPORT THAT THE EARTHQUAKE DID SOME DAMAGE. IS THAT SO HARD? Gods above. Why do I care so much? It's not my money. It's not. Fuck it. 300 silver. And a tip, too, because some fucking idiot thought it would be a good idea to build a guild hall in the middle of nowhere for the view.

11:20 pm - 18.05.2019

Letter of Condemnation: Excerpt

It is true that faith played a formative role in the upbringing of a young Alesana Dwric, as she learned of the world around her and carved her own path into the stone, to stand where I do today. It is true that this faith, unerring, undeniable, inviolabl...

04:46 pm - 18.05.2019

Nothing like a steaming cup of tea and writing a letter of condemnation for the high priest of the Sanctum in Kassar to start a [i]beautiful[/i] day.

12:59 pm - 18.05.2019

[p]Great-Bester Hunter of the Warden-Folk my crusty erinindal ass! You would think someone deemed worthy to receive the gift of a Guard Drake as an animal companion would know the basic responsibility of pet ownership: pick up their shit! The next time I see either of those little blue shits, they're going to get a lashing.[/p] [p]But if there's anything gyða taught me, it's to make the most of a situation, however bad or good. Anyone who pisses me off is going to get a month on the drake shit shoveling detail. And if those fuckers ever get back, you know who you are, "FOUNDERS," they're all going to be on drake shit shoveling detail for a month! HOWEVER MANY LIMBS THEY'RE MISSING.[/p]

04:14 am - 18.05.2019

Alesana joins the ranks of Heroes!

Alesana enters the scene of legendary heroes! Welcome to the family of the Eternals!

04:08 am - 18.05.2019
Played by
Malkuthe Highwind

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