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Lilly Az

A blue dragon born that was saved from a village that had been acted and became a fighter. she later became a knight in search of whoever destoryed her village.

Campaign & Party

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Sun 14th Aug 2022 11:51

the town in the woods

by Lilly Az

Elf living in a small town out in the woods.
Control plants.
We make camp outside of the city near the town. But not too far.
It is not a very large tavern. Just a place to come and go.
Everyone knows we are hunters because they dont recognize us.
The roadway is the most affected area, kind of like they dont want anyone to come into the town or leave it.
Towns people not really sure what is going on.
It is a major problem with the overgrowth being on the road.
It could be a recluse that lives in the woods.
It is the only building in the woods so finding him is not so difficult.
The plants look like they have had years of growth in a single night
The house looks like it is hundreds of years old. Nothing looks significant.
Not sure if he actually knows what is happening in the town.
The group splits a little to cover more ground
We learned that his name is roy.
While lilly, zen and rodger are with roy noc and billy get attacked by trees.
No one with ill will towards the town.
We hear a scream and dart over to the it.
He had a crest on his shirt a crest of a noble.
A neighboring kingdom
Drisha empire.
He was sent to cut off the trade routes.
We need to test and see if he is the spark. We are not sure yet.
It turns out that he is not actually the spark and a druid, now we have to find the actual one.
He signals his friend so that we can figure out what is actually happening.
We go back to roy and see what is going on there.
We learn a little more about roy.
We find his journal, and start to look through it.
We learn that the town is building new building near the land that roys fathers before passed.
Karma will come to the towns people eventually.
He seems harmless but not really sure what is going on with him.
We have a scribe copy the book for us so that way we can look into it later.
We see him use the power and now to decide what to do.
we learn he is not a real threat and end up letting him stay and live in the village.

Lilly's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. the begining
    21 Mar 2022 09:05:33
  2. the third mission
    25 Apr 2022 09:40:03
  3. the second mission
    25 Apr 2022 09:43:38
  4. the city mission
    05 Jun 2022 10:53:27
  5. the town in the woods
    14 Aug 2022 11:51:50

The major events and journals in Lilly's history, from the beginning to today.

the town in the woods

Elf living in a small town out in the woods. Control plants. We make camp outside of the city near the town. But not too far. It is not a very large tavern. Just a place to come and go. Everyone knows we are hunters because they dont recognize us. ...

11:51 pm - 14.08.2022

must look into what kingdom she fought for.

11:42 pm - 14.08.2022

the city mission

We gained two new members. Goblin and an elf. Find symbols of a beetle crest. There is a temple that is not on the maps. There is another symbol similar to the other but not slashed and a lighter purple. Zen, noc There is stones on the temple that ...

10:53 pm - 05.06.2022

the third mission

We are at the keep and relaxing Several months go by without any real concern or missions. the spark we recently captured is doing work around the keep. Unusual goblin activity, the goblins are possibly being led by a goblin spark? Highly unusual We...

09:40 pm - 25.04.2022

the second mission

We ended the first mission. We gained a new player Hunting down a new spark not much is known about him May have the ability to control or raise people The mission begins The new people join the group there are about 20 of us this time Town name ...

12:06 am - 11.04.2022

the begining

we made it to the initiation for the god hunters. our first job is to bring a subject back alive. we head to the mizar empire. we find a burn mark on the side of the barn. a round farmer waddles out and says the person is possibly merediths boy. ...

01:19 am - 21.03.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Lilly.

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Other Characters by Alice1621