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Boggo Gruul

My name is Boggo. I am the son of Karavod, a human bastard, and Graga, an amazing orc female. My mother was the only one ever kind to me in the commune, which is rare in orc culture.   Karavod is a human male that knows what it takes to be a strong orc leader. He knows how to take females and lead his half orc children in both training and raids. I was trained by my father and his leuitenents to be a ruthless fighter and to kill all outsiders on command.   I say "leuitenents", they're my half-brothers. All born from other orc women in the commune. I also say "commune", it's more like a cult. Karavod is not to be questioned and neither is his God. He worships Skargog, the "orcish God of victory". That is a lie. There is no such God.   On a raid, I found a book about gods of Faerun and the Orc gods are said to be Gork, the god of brutal cunning, and Mork, the god of cunning brutality. I brought the book back to camp with me and showed it to my mother. She denied the existence of the gods and that we should destroy that book before it is discovered. I challenged her on it and I learned that we are prisoners of Karavod and if we try to leave, we would be killed, if we challenge him, we will be killed, and if he finds out we have this book, we will be exiled and hunted by his strongest men. So... Killed.   I went to destroy the book, but... I didn't. I couldn't. It didn't feel right. I read what I could of Gork and Mork and I learned of their ways. One of my half-brothers, Garok, caught me reading it and he informed   Karavo   d. I told my mother I was sorry, that I loved her, and that for her safety, she should be turn against me too. I was brought before Karavod and exiled from his family. They released me into the woods a few hours after sundown. I was given a 10 second head start.   I ran as hard as I could through the woods, getting as much distance as I could before the hunters were on me. I felt like I had ran forever before a crossbow bolt caught me in the foot. They caught up to me. I moved erratically to avoid their aim, which caused many shots to miss me. Some did connect, but I was hit in nonvital areas, probably because they were going to wear me down and confirm their kill. I had heard they hang deserters near the entrance of the woods as a warning to outsiders, but I had never seen it so I didn't know for sure. I did know that I didn't want to become a warning sign...   They descended on me and tried to kill me with their blades but I was able to fight back and wound a few. Nothing lethal, so it would only be a brief escape. I was able to hide in a ditch but I knew they'd have my scent or find my tracks somehow. I was... Frightened. I resigned myself to death at their hands, but I would not go quietly. I'll die on my feet if I must die at all, and I'll take as many of them as I can with me. I picked up a fairly hefty stick and chose it as my weapon of choice. Silently, I prayed to Gork and Mork, asking them to watch over my battle, favor me in this fight, and let me take as many as I can. They were on me within the next minute. The war-cries were terrible, the screaming was worse.   It happened so fast that I didn't really process it but... I won... I used my training and my will to survive and I was able to kill them all. At least, I think I got them all. I don't remember if any ran away. It wouldn't have been like them to run. They were all dead but the war-cries... war-cries? Screaming? Singing? They didn't end for a few moments. I looked at my dead brothers and the image burned into my mind. Bagrov, Krevid, Juk-Juk, Dabo... All of them... Sliced and stabbed and shredded and... What? How did I... do this... with my stick?   I looked down at my filthy, bloody, horrible hands and I saw a steel blade, shining in the moonlight. Parts smooth, parts serrated, parts flat? It didn't make sense. The longer I looked the stranger the weapon appeared. Like a hammer, sword, and axe all mashed into one. I thought to myself, "impossible" and the weapon instantly reverted back to my plain sturdy stick, but was equally bloody. I dropped it in surprise. The realization hit me like a ton of... Stuff. That was the blessing of Gork and Mork. I believed I would win and that my stick was my weapon that could save me. It changed and became the weapon I needed. I remembered the War Cry that rang in my ears as I fought. Unending and ceaseless, like the unified bloodlust of every Orc in existence... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA   Gork and Mork blessed me with their gift, and from that moment on, I dedicated myself to Gork and Mork, but... I don't think I could fight like I did against my family... At least, not unless I had to... I studied their book and I think I found a "loophole". I refuse to fight like that again... Not unless it's to save a life of someone. I think that if I save lives, there will be more people to fight in the future, allowing for more possible fights and bloodshed in the future.   I guess Gork and Mork seem okay with this idea because I haven't lost their blessing yet. I've had to use their power a few more times but I've hated it every time. I kept my sturdy stick but I've had it changed slightly. I had it cleaned up and I've added an Axehead to it. The Axehead is also wood. It makes it lighter to swing. I wrap the Axehead in the scraps of my old clothes from that night. It makes it look scary and people don't want to mess with a scary guy. Well... I am a big half orc in heavy armor... Few people want to mess with me anyway. I have had the name of my weapon revealed to me by Gork and Mork. It's called SkullSplittah and when I wield it, I am the voice of the WAAAAAAAGH. I get all angry and violent and... I don't really like it... But it's sometimes necessary. I'll do everything I can to avoid it though...   Orc blood is tainted with the desire to fight, to kill, to dominate. It doesn't matter if it's our own kin, we will fight, we will kill, we will dominate. It needs to stop if Orcs want to make a place for themselves in this world. Hopefully, I can be a good example for how we Orcs can be better. I just... I don't want to hurt anyone anymore .. I miss my mommy...

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