Estoc Mark 4 | World Anvil

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Estoc Mark 4

Played by
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The major events and journals in Estoc's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 4: Legacy's first shipment.

09:22 pm - 27.08.2022

Session 4: Legacy's first shipment.

05:59 pm - 31.07.2022

Session 3: Assault on Suvelty Hills

09:18 pm - 16.07.2022

Session 3: Assault on Suvelty Hills

02:58 pm - 16.07.2022

Session 1: The Arrival to Nimrothel

02:53 am - 06.06.2022

Session 1: The Arrival to Nimrothel

03:57 pm - 05.06.2022

Session 0.5: The Hag's demise and the breeze of an open ocean

12:04 am - 31.05.2022

Session 0.5: The Hag's demise and the breeze of an open ocean

02:53 pm - 30.05.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Estoc.

Played by

Other Characters by Garven