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Chaotic Evil Variant Tiefling (Charlatan)
Bard 9
66 / 66 HP

The Tiefling Bard

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Sensu's history, from the beginning to today.

Oh I love animate object. It fucks HARD. Also useful outside of that

08:06 pm - 08.09.2024

Nope I can become wetter... or is water itself even wet?

07:04 pm - 31.08.2024

Never been this wet before... I do like it somehwat...

11:57 pm - 10.08.2024

ROBERT is going into the book too. I will have my revenge on him too.

10:38 pm - 20.07.2024

Mudmin Barrack's. The guard at the till there. FUCK EM. I WILL FUCK HIS LIFE. I got a picture of that.

08:36 pm - 13.07.2024


10:33 pm - 06.07.2024

Aunti got REALLY weird and intense when I told her I woke up by the river and don't remember my past.

08:59 pm - 22.06.2024

I GOT THE [VENOME] Meat eating Horse. Let's fucking goooooooooo

08:10 pm - 15.06.2024


07:53 pm - 08.06.2024


11:07 pm - 01.06.2024

I AM A FUCKING GOD! I called what Oliver would be up to once he returned. What happened? He DID came with the Sultan to us and rejoined us :) I will be the god of the domains of sex, drugs and rock and roll.

09:42 pm - 01.06.2024

HOLY SHIT These orcs keep getting bigger and stronger. I swear give em some more time and I will have trouble handling them. Oh and battling them will become harder too ;)

11:23 pm - 25.05.2024

Those Motherfuckers betrayed me faster than I expected so... fuck em. Well I am planning on fucking Red at least, could taste his lips tonight though. UwU

10:26 pm - 04.05.2024

Last session: Bitch from that one kingdome where I fucked her daughter and "ruined some important diplomatic shit" actually send people to kill/catch me. Question is... which Bitch from that one kingdome where I fucked her daughter and "ruined some important diplomatic shit" was it?

06:19 pm - 04.05.2024

This long spikey and clingy tentacle from the death blight entangled me really good after I tried not getting caught... though uhm... while it did hurt it did grab me GOOD! What can I say? I am a sucker for someone who can have a good grip on me ;)

10:03 pm - 23.03.2024

Man this dungeon sucks ass and not even the good kind. My group should never fucking take a contract without me. We just kill off zombies and then deal with giant infected mushroom who are way too hard.

11:19 pm - 02.03.2024

Fucking what happened last time exactly? I can't remember really up until we ended up in some strange dwarfen dungeon and sadly not a sexy one either. Could spend some quality time with Micheal though. He is prett secretive with his past... I don't like that. Should definitly keep tabs on him. Maybe even tap that before the inevatable happens.

06:49 pm - 02.03.2024

Doing an all nighter party before the attack from the enemy on the city aka not taking a long rest was maybe not the smartest idea I had... then again also not the dumbest. I hold myself up fucking well if I may so myself. If it weren't for the drugs it would definitely be worse. So kids, say yes to drugs. especially when engaging in siege combat.

11:03 pm - 20.01.2024

Session 13: Mandate of Gold

01:56 pm - 14.01.2024

Session 13: Mandate of Gold

01:56 pm - 14.01.2024

Session 12: The Long Road Home

02:05 pm - 07.01.2024

Session 12: The Long Road Home

02:05 pm - 07.01.2024

For the Anals of History. I was against taking the bio weapon with us.

09:23 pm - 06.01.2024

Session 11: Hunting the Hunters

02:59 pm - 11.12.2023

Session 11: Hunting the Hunters

02:59 pm - 11.12.2023

Session 10: Catch Twenty-Two

01:34 pm - 10.11.2023

Session 10: Catch Twenty-Two

01:34 pm - 10.11.2023

So Red had an idea with oil in a waterskin to throw it behind us to make escape easier. I had a slightly different idea. A more firery idea. Ohhhh... this gave me a fantastic idea for a name too. Sensu's golden shower will turn up the heat at any party and will garanty fun for everyone in one way or another ;)

08:10 pm - 04.11.2023

Session 9: The Carnival Comes to Town

05:18 pm - 01.11.2023

MORG'S MOONSHINE IS THE BEST SHIT! I felt tips after only ONE shot

08:48 pm - 28.10.2023

Session 9: The Carnival Comes to Town

06:03 pm - 28.10.2023

Session 8: Big Monsters, Bigger Problems

02:41 pm - 15.10.2023

AWww yeah. Found this elvish cuty as my group did some boring work stuff. She was like totally into me. I did my usual peacock dance and wrapped her in a nice song and dance before making her blush. I must say elves are the race that are the hardest to make blush but definitly look the cutest. I am sure we can see how cute they are even closer tonight ;)

06:25 pm - 14.10.2023

Session 8: Big Monsters, Bigger Problems

06:23 pm - 14.10.2023

Session 7: Old Enemies, New Friends

10:08 pm - 07.10.2023

Session 7: Old Enemies, New Friends

06:27 pm - 07.10.2023

Session 6: Little Trouble in Big City

02:41 pm - 24.09.2023

Session 6: Little Trouble in Big City

02:41 pm - 24.09.2023

We found our gurl. SLAY TIME! YES QUEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!

09:24 pm - 23.09.2023

Session 5: Country Roads

10:03 pm - 16.09.2023

Session 5: Country Roads

06:17 pm - 16.09.2023

Not the first time I was chased by someone... or guards. Will not be the last time. I do like it at this point. Makes you feel alive and like you did some work this morning. Also a really nice workout routin, I noticed I can run for MUCH longer every time this happens. Though I could live without the fear of getting potentially murdered.

06:16 pm - 16.09.2023

Session 4

05:37 pm - 05.09.2023

Session 4

05:37 pm - 05.09.2023

Session 3

09:26 pm - 26.08.2023

Session 3

06:33 pm - 26.08.2023

WTF is a Worldanvil and why is it so bad?

06:19 pm - 26.08.2023

Session 2

10:04 pm - 19.08.2023

Session 2

10:03 pm - 19.08.2023

Meet three people and looks like we are a thing now. Disposed of some GIANT rats and some weird and brutal ghoul lizard freak things. With my wits I put them down of course so the team could finish up the rest. So we got now Mr. Handsome, Eshemi the fighter, Xelfy the sorcerer and healer and Oliver the smöl but fiesty kitty cat. The last one saw through my disguse AND he can talk. Also he can TALK WITH HIS MIND!!! Group name hasn't been decided on but I am for the Furious Five. That way we can always say we got another member to back us up at any point and everyone would be afraid that we still have our ace in the hole. But anyway I was paid and it's time to PARTEEEEEEEEEY WHOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

11:23 pm - 29.07.2023

Session 1

10:31 pm - 29.07.2023

Session 1

06:34 pm - 29.07.2023

Okay, I know I said it before. But I think this time I REALLY fucked it up.

04:23 pm - 23.06.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sensu.

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