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Small bird boi

Campaign & Party

Played by
Other characters

The major events and journals in Kojak's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 9: Castle Ravenloft

05:57 pm - 25.10.2021

Session 9: Castle Ravenloft

05:56 pm - 25.10.2021

Session 8: Argynvostholt

10:20 pm - 14.10.2021

Session 8: Argynvostholt

10:20 pm - 14.10.2021

Session 7:

09:43 pm - 07.10.2021

Session 7:

09:42 pm - 07.10.2021

Session 7:

09:42 pm - 07.10.2021

Session 6: The Feast of St. Andral

12:31 am - 29.09.2021

Session 6: The Feast of St. Andral

11:06 pm - 23.09.2021

Session 5: Plots in Vallaki

08:28 pm - 22.09.2021

Session 5: Plots in Vallaki

08:28 pm - 22.09.2021

Session 4: Festival in Vallaki

10:35 pm - 09.09.2021

Session 4: Festival in Vallaki

10:35 pm - 09.09.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kojak.

Played by

Other Characters by Dudenameddom