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Omnir Mes
The Monster

A Path of the Beast Barbarian, former Seargent of the Coppercoats of Drannith

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Thu 21st Jan 2021 08:02

Session 2

by Omnir Mes

Made it to the Drva Brdo(the logging camp) today, Drannith soldiers were out working the trees and gathering supplies but no one recognized me. Naomi keeps using a fake name when introducing herself, maybe I should think up one for myself. Didn't stay long, just enough time to pick up some supplies to tan the hides we got and hear about a supply shipment the Drannith soldiers were expecting 2 days ago. We agreed to see if we could find anything on our way past. The Moonshine they sold at the "Inn"(and I am using that term generously) tasted like pure death but it knocked me out so that's something.
We had a quiet first day back on the road, a scare in the night as some huge beast from the Giants Wood wandered towards our camp, but it was content to leave us alone so that was nice.
Second day we found the missing supply cart dragged off the road a ways and seemingly jammed underneath a tree. As we were investigating it, a howl ripped the air and we saw a giant nightmarish wolf creature bearing down on us. I was subjected to Fear one time as part of a training I had to go through, the hope being we could recognize and combat it better latter, it didn't do shit here. The only thing that saved us was Jack, that girl has some tricks up her sleeves, if it wasn't for her dispelling the fear as soon as it came up it would have been so much worse. As is Dogs Breath took a bad hit and I took a couple of strong swipes. Katrina surprised me during the fight, typically she stands on the sides and fires a bow(which good on her, archers are and important part of any company) but when Dog got caught up in the beasts jaws she ran in. Pulled a little stick of a sword out of her belt and stabbed that thing in its legs. She dealt a good blow and it scared the beast I think.
After it died we searched the cart and it was disappointing to say the least. Drannith seems to have sent barely enough food for the group at Drva Brdo, and if they sent any type of guard for it there was no sign of them. It puts a bad feeling in my chest. Found the driver in the hollow beneath the tree that the cart was wedged into, poor guy was only bones.
I took some coin off the body.
I don't feel good about it, I'm no stranger to scrounging when necessary every squad in Drannith does it to get something else to eat besides the shit they call stew in the mess, but this was different. This felt like grave robbing, and while I can think up a dozen reasons why it was fine, that doesn't change that it felt wrong to take the money. I took money off the corpse of a countryman, and left his body to be consumed by the jungle. Another thing to add to my nightmares I guess.
Speaking of nightmares, Dog found something while skinning the wolf(I think Katrina wants to make a cloak out of it, good luck with how fucked up it is though), a black crystal gem. Naomi identified it as Crystalized Fear Essence, and Jack explained that smiths use this type of things to make crazy weapons and that if we sold it to the right person we could make some good money.
After some discussion we tried to take the cart and the leftover supplies back to Drva Brdo but the damn axel broke an hour into the trek, we had to abandon it. Jack left a note saying what happened in case anyone found it.
We didn't make much distance today, Dog left the hides we were tanning back at Drva Brdo (I didn't react well to that I should have paid more attention), and I was the closest to death I have been in a while. So I was in a bit of a foul mood tonight, but Kat changed that around. We talked a bit about the fight we had and how she was taught to fight by her father. I explained the importance of finding your reason for fighting and what can happen when someone doesn't have a reason, I think she took it to heart. She called me brave, it was a good talk. Jack provided necessary call back to the ground. First she said I was more stable than she initially thought, then she said that her opinion of me had changed drastically through the last few days but couldn't tell me if it changed for better or not, then she ended it by calling me terrifying. I swear that girl holds so much so close to her chest it amazing it doesn't spill out of her arms at random moments.
We are still a few days out of Stoneturn, few more nights of sleeping on the ground and eating jerky, and we will have warm beds and hot food in our bellies. Looking forward to it.

Omnir's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Session 1
    21 Jan 2021 08:00:27
  2. Session 2
    21 Jan 2021 08:02:13

The major events and journals in Omnir's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 2

Made it to the logging camp today, Drannith soldiers were out working the trees and gathering supplies but no one recognized me. Naomi keeps using a fake name when introducing herself, maybe I should think up one for myself. Didn't stay long, just enough ...

07:54 am - 21.01.2021

Session 1

Met the others who shared my dream in MeatMaw. Took them on a quick hunt in order to test them out in a non-dream fight. They all did well enough and successfully made their first kill, though Jack seemed annoyed that we did it. Made them each a dagger ou...

07:18 am - 21.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Omnir.

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Other Characters by TraxJack