Morrigan | World Anvil

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Neutral Astral Elf (Feylost)
Rogue 6
39 / 39 HP

Morrigan is a young astral plane elf. She vacillates between childlike and serious. She always has a crow on her shoulder and constantly wear silver trinkets for her pet crows.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Daeodin

Lady Luck Lynx Luce Darian Bemoans Morrigan
Run by Sonar567

The major events and journals in Morrigan's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 11: A World of Dreams & Nightmares

11:28 pm - 11.05.2024

Session 10: What comes next

03:50 am - 22.04.2024

Session 10: What comes next

05:53 pm - 21.04.2024

Session 9: What Worlds Await...

03:36 am - 21.04.2024

While everyone was arguing about how to get rid of the scrying orb, Morrigan tossed it into the Well of Many Worlds and opened the Ethereal Plane while letting in two ghosts. She returned to the group while dusting off her hands and saying"problem solved" looking very satisfied.

04:30 am - 31.03.2024

Frederick had a ring of warming

11:44 pm - 30.03.2024

Morrigan would look for her sanity at first and then remember that she is better off without it. She might look for her parents who she lost as a child but would understand that what she got back might not truly be her parents. With a forlorn sigh, she would seek out a lost soul much like she was in the Astral Plane to ensure they could find a new and safe home.

10:05 pm - 30.03.2024

Session 9: What Worlds Await...

09:23 pm - 30.03.2024

Session 8 - Bump in the Night

05:30 pm - 30.03.2024

We steal potions of sig's Morrigan: advantage on persuasion and charisma checks Darian: resistance to fire Luce: frowning Bemones: orgasm Lynx: Shroom potion

11:45 pm - 16.03.2024

Morrigan gets distracted while alerting Sig about the danger the rest of the party and finally manages to spit it out. She obtain's Rogue silks from Sig because she likes that it's shiny and thinks Frederick would like it.

10:07 pm - 16.03.2024

Session 8 - Bump in the Night

07:29 pm - 16.03.2024

Session 7 - Chasing their Dreams

07:43 pm - 05.03.2024

I theorize that interplanar travel is involved in some way and I've seen what lays beyond this plane ; it isn't pleasant. Therefore, I must protect this plane so that I, and others, may find solace in a world whose beauty is unsullied. Also, where else would my little birdie friends find such pretty trinkets?

11:03 pm - 24.02.2024

Session 7 - Chasing their Dreams

06:27 pm - 24.02.2024

Session 6 - Thick in the plot

05:09 am - 14.01.2024

jk, it's a ring of abjuration!

02:25 am - 14.01.2024

- Morrigan chooses an intricate box with hidden compartments. Frederick hears a shuffling in the box and taps the box with his beak to direct Morrigan to a secret compar tment. They find a ruby ring and Frederick daintily holds out his claw to put it on. The ruby shrinks to fit his claw. It's a ring of conjuration!

02:24 am - 14.01.2024

Morrigan was given 250 gold to find a trinket for Luce

02:03 am - 14.01.2024

Leaving without solving the mystery of what happened feels like leaving a thread dangling in the great tapestry of existence. The astral whispers speak of consequences rippling across realms. It's not justabout those lives, it's about the delicate balance between planes... Plus, the bad guys seem scary...

12:52 am - 14.01.2024

Session 6 - Thick in the plot

11:05 pm - 13.01.2024

Session 5 - Hunting Nightmares

04:24 am - 07.01.2024

Session 4 - Hunting Nightmares

08:14 pm - 06.01.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Morrigan.