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Death Sworn of the Sea, Captain of the Sariv, Flame Wreathed and TIde-Bound Lars Ren

Cursed by a deep cosmic entity, hounded by fiends, and constantly wrangling rats and lizards, Lars is the Captain of the group referred to as the "Ragamuffins". Well, captain is a loose word; more like scapegoat.

Campaign & Party

Other characters

The major events and journals in Lars Ren's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 20: Tezzir!

12:02 am - 25.09.2022

Sitting watch. Easier on a ship. I miss the sea, and yet I know what lies beneath it. An odd juxtaposition

01:35 am - 28.08.2022

To Ishperta?

01:24 am - 28.08.2022

Session 20: Tezzir!

01:22 am - 28.08.2022

"Magpie" de Morgan, an old friend. Always had a light. Always had my back.

01:07 am - 25.08.2022

Thinking of the old crew tonight. Don't get me wrong, the company I've got now are pleasant enough. But the Daybreak hit bottom barely 3 months ago, and I still think of them. I can't help help but wonder what become of them; Chartan, De Morgan, and my mate Pierce. Did they really sit before 3 judges in death, there to give sentence? Did the old hermit ferry them across? And what of me? Did the witch lie? Will I sail alone through the sea of stars, tired and hungry, never to rest? If they did get dragged down to the locker, oblivion would have been a more merciful route. Now that I know what wretches and horrors lie down there. Make then next one a double, barhop. And skip the peanuts, I'm not drinking rum for the taste tonight.

12:42 am - 12.08.2022

Session 18 : Gurp & Co.

06:46 am - 07.08.2022

Just woke up, I smell something burning, and I think bane powder? What the hell is going on here?

01:00 am - 07.08.2022

Session 18 : Gurp & Co.

12:38 am - 07.08.2022

Session 18 : Gurp & Co.

12:37 am - 07.08.2022

A magic friendly city, with a fighting arena? Finally, a chance to spread these crimson wings.

04:07 am - 06.08.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Lars Ren.

Played by

Other Characters by thomas3x3@gmail