Torva Ligursson | World Anvil

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Torva Ligursson

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Thu 25th Jul 2019 01:33


by Torva Ligursson

It‘s after school, I figure your in the workshop, right?

Yes, my dirt bike needs some work on the front struts.

Nice. Are you alone or is someone else in the workshop? Who‘s workshop is it?

There is a mechanic down the road - a former Rallye Driver - and I get some space in his garage in Stenhamra to tinker about. I have a small workshop in our own garage too, but I prefer this one.
His name is Mikke and his is in his late 50s. He runs Rastonen Motor Repairs and can fix pretty much anything - tractors, boat motors, bikes, cars, and even some magnetrine tech.

Alright, good to know. While you are working on your bike, Mikke comes over and shows you a rare machine-part. Before he asks, you know that he‘s testing you. He‘s been doing that since you first started coming here. “Do you know what that is, Torva? And don‘t give me any of that ‚you just forgot the name‘-bullshit like last time“. He‘s smiling at you like a proud dad while he says this

Torva steps back from the workbench, wiping her oily hands on her trousers. "Right..., let me see that". She picks up the part and holds it against the light.
Hesitantly, she says: "Definitely from a Vasa Diesel Engine", glancing over at Mikke for a reaction. It's difficult to see the corners of his mouth behind that grey beard, but there might have been a slight upward motion.
Is it the fuel flow regulator valve ballast from a '72?
"They used to put these into the Lieber-Alta M60s", she mumbles, trying to make out the dirt encrusted identifier. "Unless....", she grabs a wire brush and gently cleans the crucial bit of the metal cylinder. "Hey, that is no Vasa number! That's Cyrillic." Her brow furrows. "That's not what I think it is, is it?"

"Funny thing, how the Russians were the first ones to create and assemble functioning AI that could walk and talk, isn't it..." Mikke now smiles over his whole face

"Where the heck did you get hold of one of these? That's from a Mussorgski Engine, right?", Torva is getting chills from the excitement. These engines were used in some of the early utility walkers, the ones that were lumbering giants in the snow up in Karelia and that caused such worry when they appeared at the Finnish border with Russia. Her Pa told her about it.

Mikke never tells you, where he gets his parts from. It‘s kinda his trade secret. But as he hands you the part of the Mussorgski Engine, he winks at you. „I‘m pretty sure your bike could use a part like that. I heard, they are quite expensive and hard to come by.“
(If you want, you can try to install this piece to your bike. That would require a successful tinker-roll. If you roll more than one success, we could think about some cool things, that your bile can do, now that it‘s got some sovjet-robot-tech installed)

"Wow, very generous, Boss. I'll see whether I can put that into the fuel flow assembly!"

(Two successes, that means you get a bonus effect! I‘d say the dirt bike would normally have given you +1 in certain situation like if you wanna move fast from point a to point b. What does this new part in the fuel flow assembly do? Does it make the bike faster/discreet/anything else? I‘d say, the bonus basically gets bumped by one step, depending on what you choose. So, faster would mean you get a +2 on your move rolls if you‘re on your bike, etc)

After the part is fitted, Torva takes the Bike for a ride through the woods. The engine purrs, with smooth acceleration and another 10 kph top speed. Amazing what such a small part can achieve - Mikke is a star and she'd better treat him to some apple cake. (The bike gets a move bonus both on the road and on rough terrain)

Alright, nice. I‘d say, if you want Torva could go to the local Skate Park, it‘s where Katie and Lulu will meet up. Also, it‘s a chance for Torva to show of her improved bike to other motherheads, maybe even do some stunts on the small biketrack(probably intended for mountainbikes, but whatever). Alright?

Sure, need to take her for a spin!

The major events and journals in Torva's history, from the beginning to today.

The session

08:00 pm - 04.03.2021

The session

07:56 pm - 04.03.2021

The session

03:21 pm - 05.05.2020

The session

03:19 pm - 05.05.2020


It‘s after school, I figure your in the workshop, right? Torva Yes, my dirt bike needs some work on the front struts. Barath Nice. Are you alone or is someone else in the workshop? Who‘s workshop is it? Torva There is a mechanic down t...

01:33 pm - 25.07.2019

Session 2.2 - Grown-Up Attraction

12:00 am - 24.07.2019

Session 2.2 - Grown-Up Attraction

04:42 pm - 23.07.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Torva.

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Other Characters by Shimrod