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Arrota Dawn

Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf (Dawn)
Bard 2
18 / 18 HP

Quick, witty, and skillful, Arrota doesn't know what life has for him, but he is trying to find out.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Eberron Unfolding

Arrota Orman Salazar Murdoch
Run by Exiledpuppy
Played by
Sun 12th Feb 2023 05:08

Session 1: The Gathering of the Minds

by Arrota Dawn

Visiting Morgrave University
1. Arrota Dawn (a Bard) and Orman Oszran (a wizard) were on their way to meet with Provost BONEL GELDMAN (Department Chair of Pre-Galifer Studies)
- Upon arriving at his office, they encountered two others waiting to meet with him.
o Salazar d'Lyrandar (a lunar sorcerer) & Murdoch Rose (a twilight cleric)
- They all waited in the office for him to arrive. While waiting, the party played cards with his secretary BILGEN TROPP. (It was her birthday)
o Once it got too late, they departed together to visit Professor Geldman's favorite teashop to see if they could find him.
2. Exiting Morgrave University, the new party of four found themselves witness to a murder!
- Running to the aid of a man that was cut down by a cloaked figure, they found him dead.
o The culprit quickly reappeared and attacked the party.
- The party took down the attacker and began to search the victim's things to try to identify him.
o The victim was none other than Bonel Geldman himself!
- Arrota identified him and gathered up his Journal on House Cannith.
0 The attacker was a warforged with a seal of Karrnath on his forehead.
- The party was confronted by the guards but was soon found to be innocent of any wrongdoing.
- The party was then confronted again by another cloaked figure.
o This figure told them to go to the Smoke Stack if they wanted answers as to why Bonel Geldman had died.
The Smoke Stack's Answers
1. Following the directions left behind on a rock, the party made their way to the "Smoke Stack" after grabbing some tea from "Tippy Top Tea Shop."
- Outside the "Smoke Stack," the party was confronted by a rabble of gang members believing the party to be members of a rival gang.
o Murdoch convinced them that it was true and that they best not mess with them because of it.
- Entering, they were met by the innkeeper, who explained that they had a large rat problem that they would love assistance with if the party had time.
o Arrota promised to help take care of the rats after their meeting with the mysterious person who had invited them to the "Smoke Stack."
2. ELEYDREN d'VOWN introduced herself as a member of house Cannith.
- Eleydren claimed to have been working with professor Geldman on his research into house Cannith.
o The journal the party had acquired contained simple directions to the entrance of "The Lost Forge" in the lower levels of Sharn.
o Eleydren then offered the group of four a large sum of gold to go to this "Lost Forge" and get an ancient Schema she believes to be there.
- The party agrees to pursue this Schema for Eleydren. The Journal directs them to "E213 Valve Cluster" as the entrance to the "Lost Forge."
o Eleydren pays for their lodging and tells the party to meet her at the "Bear's Rest" tavern once they've found the Schema.
3. Not wishing to abandon their promise to the innkeeper, the party then makes its way to the basement to dispatch the rodent problem.
- The rats in the basement prove to be formidable foes but are soon enough defeated.
o Still in the basement, the party discovers a tunnel that had been used by the rats. This tunnel seems to lead deep underground towards the sewers.
- The party temporarily barricaded the tunnel and headed upstairs to sleep for the night.

The major events and journals in Arrota's history, from the beginning to today.

The session

02:03 am - 09.03.2023

The session

02:03 am - 09.03.2023

Test 1

08:49 pm - 11.02.2023


Test Test Test, Arrota's Story Test....

08:44 pm - 11.02.2023

Test test test. This is what is on Arrota's mind. Test test test.

08:37 pm - 11.02.2023

Test 1

08:35 pm - 11.02.2023

Test 1

08:34 pm - 11.02.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Arrota.

Played by