Bilivar Wheen | World Anvil

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Bilivar Wheen

(N male human expert 3) owns this workshop. Bilivar is a down-on-his-luck wheelwright who’s lately been spending more time at various taverns (especially the Hagfish—area 33) than here working—ever since his daughter Tanethia drowned in the Mill Pond last year, his wife VORAH (LN female human commoner 1) has grown more and more shrill and paranoid that her remaining two children’s days are numbered as well. Bilivar’s been heard to mutter about packing up and skipping town to some of his drinking buddies at the Hagfish, but no one thinks he’ll really follow through on this plan.   His son works in here as well, but is even scrawnier than his father.   Doesn't particularly care for the party, mostly because of Will.

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