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Callie Berry

Worshipper of the Wild Mother.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Wyrmfell

Yolin Kai Callie
Run by Lexalot
Played by
Wed 19th Jun 2024 06:46

The Journal Entry’s title

by Callie Berry

Begin writing your story here...

Callie's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Welcome to Wyrmfell
    11 Jun 2024 10:23:22
  2. The Journal Entry’s title
    19 Jun 2024 06:44:50
  3. Session 2
    19 Jun 2024 06:45:10
  4. The Journal Entry’s title
    19 Jun 2024 06:46:02

The major events and journals in Callie's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 4

06:30 pm - 17.07.2024

Session 2

06:26 pm - 26.06.2024

Head to see my parents out in the fields to help with the harvest. We spend time breaking rocks in the fields, having some cider and sandwich breaks every couple of hours until sunset, have a meal and some drinks with some of the locals. We need to set off walking to Jorhan’s Crest, so head off the next morning with some supplies my Mum prepared. As we make our way down the well trodden path, we come across a satyr who jumps in fright and drops the book he is looking at and runs off. The book is full of mildly pornographic symbols. The bookmark has what we assume is a family crest (moon with an arrow (weapon) across it) and ‘A.P.’ written on it. I think I have seen the crest somewhere before, but can’t remember where. The next day, we see what appears to be a small grave marker by the road - nothing written but some wildflowers and a bottle of whisky. As we get close to evening we approach Kiffen Crossing, a village where there is an inn where we stay for the night, and a travelling bard is entertaining the crowd with sea shanties from the pirates of Jorhan’s Crest, and dwarvish poems.

08:25 pm - 19.06.2024

Welcome to Wyrmfell

Kat - Kai - panda, wearing simple tailored linen clothes. Satchel with papers/brushes/notebooks, chilled demeanour, historian writing and documenting events. Michael - Yoiln, dwarf from caves. Very very old, but very muscly, wispy white beard, greyish e...

06:46 pm - 19.06.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Callie.

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