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Bade Whitebringer



Elegant, deadly, and bored

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of The Pact Worlds

Xe'thas Angelo Bade Darrian
Run by ALostLionheart
Played by
Other characters

The major events and journals in Bade's history, from the beginning to today.

Finishing the Moon

10:49 pm - 10.09.2021

Finishing the Moon

10:49 pm - 10.09.2021

Session 2: The moon

04:23 pm - 10.09.2021

Session 2: The moon

09:42 pm - 03.09.2021

Session 1: The Heist

09:42 pm - 03.09.2021

Session 1: The Heist

12:55 am - 28.08.2021

Intro w Philip

04:47 am - 27.08.2021

Intro w Philip

04:37 am - 27.08.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Bade.

Played by

Other Characters by Vile_Pantheon