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Campaign & Party

The Purpals

Lynn Jesper Rognir Alistaer
Run by joshfreakinbell
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Thu 27th Jul 2023 11:40

The Purpals

by Alistaer

14th of Sunstreak
The city celebrates us as we walkthrough to Wares of the Wild Woods
Gryffswills Bizarre or Silsend District
Sold spyglass for 1,500 from great roll
speaking with Montague - we share everything but Lynn having the ring
Going to meet Clade and the Lady Gryffswill
War Room - The council is there
Curfew - 9pm for Commoners and 10pm for Mira Guard
Dreg is very short with Alistaer and apparently meeting there tonight
The other "Purpals" have been causing issues in local places
Alistaer goes to meet Shevarra, goes to the Brokers office
she got attacked but she is fine, we are meeting tonight with the party and her father
Lynn and Jesper go gambling, Jesper makes a ton
Jesper speaks with
Lynn picks up some money from the Everdawn Embassy
High Prince Erred hates the Purpals for some reason - guy Lynn schmoozed
Alistaer picks up flowers for Shevarra and gets cleaned up with a haircut
Drinks with Montague -he is upset, old flame-adjacent?
Montague was in the Onyx Orb and got kicked out
Through Magics Fail We Transcend - Onyx Orb mantra
He fell in love and got carried away
Orem Xoreen became his master and he had to start running experiments for him that began to become gruesome
He finally had him do it to the one he loved and reverse his elf life span- it worked- he was a mercernary - Tasarr
Vonsyf was on the counsel that kicked him out
We receive an invite to the Anderling Masquerade in 3 days, including Vellexaud
Alistaer visits Shevarra to give her the flowers because he thought the party was tonight and got ready for
We head back to the house
Talking to Vellexaud
3 prisoners- human woman, human man, half elf male
amer oakspring - half elf is the good student
We keep amer in handcuffs and out of the "con air" security box - and try to keep him peaceful
Scry on Tharivol and he is distressed writing in his journal
Goblin trade goes into the fey realm
Grumble and his gang were about to go to Shellar before they escaped
Green snatchers are the ones running the Goblin trade
Captors spoke of purity, cleanliness and meant to make sure that continent is clean and purity of the Gods
Castle Ishtar is in the Chasm and Lord Shemyaza - place of pleasure-
He is holding a spear and in his belt is the dagger that Alistaer has been dreaming
Two different types of demons working together Odd uncommon but not too unheard
Lynn drinks blood realizing her stronger desire
Jesper teleports to Ice Haven to be with Rylee
Rognir has a slumber party with Velaxauhd
Lynn - Constitution roll - dreams of swimming in blood and blood is everywhere and she is drinking
15th of Sunstreak
Alistaer all black dress clothes with double breasted vest
Talk about sponsorship with Syran, have to get partnership with Midnight Blue House
go to Quarry to see available jobs
Procure necklace- noble Snowbrick Rachu in Miraforge - associated with Quarry but has been running mouth so he needs a message sent and take his diaries 5pp 100 gp - 50pp - bomb beatles
traveling Merchant hybrid creations- Coljairian - half fiend merchant - experimenting with monsters- tortures and mutilates them - kill the monster and bring back its head - leave her head - 15pp 200gp - 50pp per dead party member
20pp 200 gp - sprocketed spear - send a message to Big Spite Rustys under keg- local agency trying to take - the acrobat- need her beaten to a pulp, kill associates and leave her alive - find the name of theAcrobat
Fjorla - Tharivol has been controversial - negotiate local nobility away from vice grip of- trying to align them with Miraforge instead of the city- political
sides going against the House of Gan and Relles Thiir
Alistaer gets flowers for Shevarra and they head to the party
Burpy and the Whalers - halflings and gnomish band
Syran - Sage - Vonsyff with a woman that looks intense - Head Master Pavashore - Montague - Diamond Circle members near the bar in a conversation with early 50s man in raggedy robes looks poor but they listen to him intently - speaks of a haven and extending a hand of compassion, very high speaking of a new world with Cathan - Morley Hildom - member
Morley and Dreg speak "hand of your daughter" with handshake
Alistaer follows Dreg and Alistaer gets caught, Dreg knows he is with the Quarry and tells Alistaer to get his journal from the desk of Bezian or he will call the guards on him - Alistaer agrees, after getting stabbed and they argue. He is making a deal with the cult/path to get money for the city, supposedly to fight off the orcs, irellesirs, and so forth arguing for them to be the city's savior
Lynn gets with the bar lady
Jesper starts talking with Sage, Syran and Iylsa Failgrave
another woman who talks about ink and paper - very inteligent but kind of awkward
Sage is going to support us
Corbis was an orphan
Alistaer talks to Shevarra a little bit and she is aware of the cult of cathan, apparently they are making good with Relles but she is aware of Alistaer's dealings with them. Dreg has told her about him being with the Quarry
Afterparty at the Midnight Blu House, Lynn farts, Jesper and Rylee parties
Alistaer does not sleep well throughout the night
16th of Sunstreak

The major events and journals in Alistaer's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Alistaer.

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