Rodevir Larrenfinst | World Anvil

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Rodevir Larrenfinst

A bard who wants to make epic history, better than the ancients or the old ones

The major events and journals in Rodevir's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 24: Through the Fire

09:22 pm - 14.08.2022

Session 24: Through the Fire

02:34 pm - 14.08.2022

Session 23: Welcome to the Border

06:43 pm - 30.07.2022

Session 23: Welcome to the Border

02:47 pm - 30.07.2022

Session 22: Crossroads to Freedom

07:18 pm - 09.07.2022

Jots down notes about warforged from Andre

05:10 pm - 09.07.2022

I'll buy a shield

04:16 pm - 09.07.2022

I ting ting my lute and shading shadoo there's M A G I C

03:07 pm - 09.07.2022

Session 22: Crossroads to Freedom

02:37 pm - 09.07.2022

Session 21: Unlikely Help

07:43 pm - 29.05.2022

Session 21: Unlikely Help

03:27 pm - 29.05.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Rodevir.