Zaltharion Brushgage | World Anvil

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Zaltharion Brushgage

Level 3 Ghostwise Halfling Chaotic Good Druid
34 / 34 HP

Mother: Eran Brushgage Father: Gildmak Brushgage   Grew up in a manison with 8 siblings. Had lots of friends during childhood but prefered the solitude. Went to the forest and began life as a hermit druid.

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The major events and journals in Zaltharion's history, from the beginning to today.

Session V : La Tête de l'Hydre

05:59 pm - 18.10.2020

Session V : La Tête de l'Hydre

05:59 pm - 18.10.2020

Session IV : Le repaire des Fers-Rouges

05:55 pm - 18.10.2020

Session IV : Le repaire des Fers-Rouges

05:55 pm - 18.10.2020

Session III : Phandaline

11:08 pm - 19.09.2020

Session III : Phandaline

11:08 pm - 19.09.2020

Session II : L'Antre de la Peste Verte

11:27 pm - 12.09.2020

Session II : L'Antre de la Peste Verte

06:41 pm - 12.09.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Zaltharion.

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Other Characters by Zaltharion