Aniseed Fennel Wormwood Aster | World Anvil

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Aniseed Fennel Wormwood Aster

Absinthe to friends. Aniseed Fennel Wormwood Aster was born Pimpinella anisum Foeniculum vulgare Artemisia absinthium Asteraceae of Hyssop Peppermint Wormwood and Angelica Coriander Mugwort of the Aster clan.

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Sat 10th Oct 2020 10:33

Debut Experiment at The Annual Rexxentrum Craft Fair

by Aniseed Fennel Wormwood Aster

I have prepared an experiment full of wonder and science like the world has never seen! I will be debuting my genius at the STEM exhibition of The Annual Rexxentrum Craft Fair. With the help of my faithful laboratory assistants, Basil and Herb, I will harness the power of the earth by displaying an eruption of a volcano!

Aniseed's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Aniseed's history, from the beginning to today.

Debut Experiment at The Annual Rexxentrum Craft Fair

I have prepared an experiment full of wonder and science like the world has never seen! I will be debuting my genius at the STEM exhibition of The Annual Rexxentrum Craft Fair. With the help of my faithful laboratory assistants, Basil and Herb, I will dis...

10:06 pm - 10.10.2020

Session 1: " A Day at the Fair"

09:50 pm - 10.10.2020

The Dyolet Tree and Fruit

DYOLET FRUIT A round, green fruit roughly the size of a plum, a dyolet is known for its sweet flavor and the mild surge of energy granted to whoever eats it. Dyolets can also be imbued with minor healing abilities, a property kept secret by the gnomes of...

08:25 pm - 10.10.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Aniseed.

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