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Olis Aenonvus

8-Level Magus

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12032 AoS

Leaving the Shimodan Gardens

by Olis Aenonvus

After so many long years training to become a Magus, Olis's closest friend and the person he looked up to the most had confided in Olis that he was tired of the leaders not wanting to go out and try to find a way to stop the continued destruction of the forest they all hold dear. Sathir planned to leave the forest now that he had completed all the trials necessary to become a full fledged magus in the eyes of their teachers. He asked Olis to come with him, but as Olis had not quite completed all the trials he said he would try to join him as soon as he was able but to keep in touch so that they could meet up when the time came. 3 years past and Olis had finally managed to earn the full title of Magus and shortly after the ceremony he started making plans and gathering supplies to head out as he and not heard from Sathir in almost a year which worried Olis. After saying his good byes to his family and friends and all the people he had trained with, he set out to start his search. Olis spent the next 20 years chasing down dead end leads and going down all possible traces of his friend but couldn't find anything that had happened to him. He decided to go and check in at home as maybe they just missed each other and Sathir was already back at town boasting about all that he had learned. Upon reaching the Garden, Olis found that it was impossible to enter as if the forest had completely shut out anyone from entering. Olis waited a few days near the edge of the forest but no one ever came out or tried to go in, so he decided to continue adventuring and maybe learn of a way to get back in or find someone who knew why the forest had been closed off.

The major events and journals in Olis's history, from the beginning to today.

The Fate of Nym

06:26 am - 30.04.2023

The Fate of Nym

01:26 am - 30.04.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Olis.

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Other Characters by Anotherdingo