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Zaki Matinka

20-year-old halfling variant human (so i'm short, okay?!) with a history of petty theft and hearing things she shouldn't.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Telluria

Zaki Horxim Moonlight in the Shadows Zenora Quickmantle Wiinken
Run by captaincaelyn
Played by

The major events and journals in Zaki's history, from the beginning to today.

Session IV: The Trek to Rambergam

03:49 am - 27.09.2024

Session III: The Chase

04:52 pm - 20.09.2024

Session III: The Chase

03:46 am - 20.09.2024

Session II: Engulfed

06:28 pm - 09.09.2024

Session II: Engulfed

06:28 pm - 09.09.2024

Session I: Welcome to Prehn

04:40 pm - 21.08.2024

Session I: Welcome to Prehn

04:39 pm - 21.08.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Zaki.

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