Charles Higgins

Sea Elf (Urban Bounty Hunter)
Rogue/Scout 3
Fighter/Gunslinger 4
71 / 71 HP

Sea Elven Cowboy who loves his cat Maribel

Sat 24th Apr 2021 11:22

The Life and Times of Mr. Higgins

by Charles Higgins

1.Where was the Character Born?

Charles Higgins was born the youngest of three in Stoneskin Keep to a Sea Elven merchant family. The Higgins Trading CO. traded primarily between the Pinnacle and Stoneskin Keep running routes through the shaded expanse to maximize profit.

2.Who are their parents? Are they Still living

Charles' grandfather Luvon Higgins made a deal with an unknown entity that allowed him and his company's ships safe passage through the Shaded Expanse. This allowed the company to rapidly become very profitable and Luvon one of the wealthiest merchants on the sea. While his trading empire was booming Luvon fell in love and married Osonia Virmaris. The two had one child, Elias, whom they trained in seafaring and management with the hopes he would maintain the trading legacy. As Elias grew older he married Ava Aramys and had three children; Conrad, Cornelius, and Charles. Elias and Ava taught their boys the basics of seafaring as they grew older, but expected their oldest, Conrad, to take over the management side of the business. However, with the death of Luvon the aegis of the deal ended and the company ships slowly dwindled as they stopped returning from the shaded expanse. In a desperate attempt to save the company during the Purity Wars, Elias, Ava, Conrad took the last ship, The Blue Ruby, on a voyage to the Pinnacle and never returned. Charles and Cornelius were told the shipped was attacked by a human vessel.
After the death of their parent's and brother, Charles and Cornelius join the Elven navy to avenge the death of their family. Cornelius convinced Charles to join a scouting squadron with the hope they might be able to find the ship that killed their family. While in the navy, Cornelius proved to be promising with firearms and in his free time taught Charles, so they could work together in the crows nest. Their time together did not last long however, as Cornelius was killed in battle protecting Charles from a stray arrow. "Do what needs to be done" was the last thing Charles heard from his dying brother as he was handed Cornelius' rifle.
[WIP Charles meets Folas, Folas Dies]
Charles now works as a mercenary for hire drifting job to job. After all that he has lost Charles lives a hedonistic life and cares only for a small white cat named Maribel

3.What was your character doing before the adventuring life?

4.Why did your character leave their previous life?

5.What did your character leave behind?

6.What does your character want? (motivations)

The major events and journals in Charles's history, from the beginning to today.

The Life and Times of Mr. Higgins

[h1]1.Where was the Character Born?[/h1] 2.Who are their parents? 2a.Are the parents/family still alive? 3.What was your character doing before the adventuring life? 4.Why did your character leave their previous life? 5.What did your ...

02:31 am - 21.04.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Charles.

Played by
Christopher Norris

Other Characters by vaximus