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Mendax The Liar
The Liar

Mendax is an ancient green dragon, a master of enchantment and illusion magic, and a master of manipulation. She is the ancestral foe of the humanoid peoples who dwell in the northwest of Etharia, aging well over 2000 years old, and is the matron of a tribe of various dragon-descended folk. Her attempts to become Queen through open warfare have failed, but her final and most successful attempt was accomplished through perfectly disguising herself as Venustus Stormwind, the only child of a prominent merchant lord from Fora.

She puppeteered numerous organizations across all walks of life, climbed the political ladder, incited a war between Fora and Craobh Ùr, and harnessed ancient relics like the Deck of Many Things. Through two powerful tomes, the Codex Automata and the Codex Mortis, she created the Warforged, automatons given life with the harvested souls of dead mortals. These were her perfect toy soldiers, completely enthralled to her will. 

However, the rebellion of Ron Elric and the unexpected return of the Heroes of Fora from imprisonment ultimately led to her downfall, ending in her death by disintegration. Her tribe is all but destroyed, having been slaughtered and scattered in the wake of Fora's reformation. But not all of her machinations have yet come to pass...

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