Nimolin Opalarbour

5-Level Warlock 4-Level Scout(Ninja) 1-Level Bard

Bookish minor noble turned warlock, turned marine looking to avoid arranged marriage.

Played by
Evie Magpie

Howdy I am Evie Magpie, more commonly known as dragonmagpie on the internet! I am from East Texas and I enjoy writing Sci/Fi and Fantasy as well as developing my tabletop game setting. Profile picture and cover by myself.

18th of Huntersmoon 4641 AC

The Battle at Zynmyrinar part three (end)

by Nimolin Opalarbour

The battle sounds were waning, though they still made my ears ring. There was still this orc captain ( I realized quite belatedly that he is indeed the Captain) in the door way and despite the both of us (Captain Seleane and I) hitting him multiple times he would not fall. While impressive I honestly was becoming quite impatient, the faster the helm was seized the fast this battle would end.
It was only after a dazing spell from The Captain and a substantial hit from one of my blasts and he began to look more haggard. It then occurred to me that he must realize he cannot hold out for far longer as well as we did, thus, diplomacy. This is also the time Moonflower arrived muttering about paperwork.
I laid out to him that, while I was currently out of reach, I could come in close and hit much harder, and that while the ship would be taken and he and his crew imprisoned, they would live.
He seemed reluctant but Moonflower added that our prisoner conditions were not squalid and that capture my be more favorable then fleeing in defeat. He then handed over his axe and as an honorable adversary called his crew to stand down. I recalled a word, I do not remember its direct translation but I did recall its use as a remark on honor and respect. The crew ended up mollified by this a fair bit and we have had no complications in taking the ship and crew captive.
We have ensured they were able to tend to their dead, at least on the ship. I wonder what happens to the dead on battlefields, do the looser just lay forgotten till they melt right down into the muck?
Perhaps I shall ask later.
I am rather pleased that I did not end up tumbling the ship, falling to ones doom seems unpleasantly suspenseful.
Perhaps if the Captain valued less his men and ship I would have struck rather then spoken.
*'Tisn't a pleasant thing to consider of oneself.
Wraith - by Nimolin
Do the dead care where their cadaver lay?
Offal strewn in frothing bouquet?
I have heard it so.
That, alas the throes of death
cannot cease the bitterness
of one final fetid breath.
So in the shadow, their bitterness remains
and drapes o'er the bone and far faded frame.
Film o hunger that flesh mightn't sate,
wretched lonesomeness rotted to hate.
How such empty things can last?
Alas! No canopy, nether mast,
nor mighty tow'r however vast,
can surpass the veil for one to ask.
(*yes it is a word I checked. )

Nimolin's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Drunk wedding conversation
    28 Feb 2022 04:34:06
  2. The Battle at Zynmyrinar parts one and two
    21 Mar 2022 06:36:41
  3. The Battle at Zynmyrinar part three (end)
    18th of Huntersmoon 4641 AC

The major events and journals in Nimolin's history, from the beginning to today.

83: The Face of the Enemy

11:47 am - 03.07.2022

83: The Face of the Enemy

01:33 am - 03.07.2022


12:52 am - 03.07.2022


01:00 am - 19.06.2022

81: Goblins

11:34 pm - 11.06.2022

81: Goblins

01:00 am - 05.06.2022

80: Hidden Gems

12:57 am - 05.06.2022

80: Hidden Gems

01:14 am - 25.04.2022

79: Freya's Necklace

01:04 am - 25.04.2022

79: Freya's Necklace

01:02 am - 11.04.2022

78: Aftermath

12:50 am - 11.04.2022

78: Aftermath

01:04 am - 04.04.2022

77: The Siege of Zynmyrinar, Part 2

01:02 am - 04.04.2022

The Battle at Zynmyrinar part three (end)

The battle sounds were waning, though they still made my ears ring. There was still this orc captain ( I realized quite belatedly that he is indeed the Captain) in the door way and despite the both of us (Captain Seleane and I) hitting him multiple time...

08:25 am - 28.03.2022

77: The Siege of Zynmyrinar, Part 2

01:06 am - 28.03.2022

The Battle at Zynmyrinar parts one and two

After escorting Lt. (thats new) Dazzle Kat on a successful diplomatic mission along with Corporal Rando LeElf and Privet Aerin, we settled down in an ambassadorial sweet. We went to bed (not before a few rounds of hot baths and spontaneous pillow fort con...

06:36 am - 21.03.2022

76: The Siege of Zynmyrinar

04:55 am - 21.03.2022

76: The Siege of Zynmyrinar

01:07 am - 21.03.2022

75: Counterattack

12:25 pm - 16.03.2022

75: Counterattack

01:07 am - 14.03.2022

Drunk wedding conversation

Dazz are parties supposed to make you this sleepy?? dazzlikat passes the booze to nimolin ... your only sleepy cause your not having fun dragonmagpie: are you sure??? (the booze is probbably sending underage Nimolin to sleep tbh lol) dazzlikat s...

04:34 am - 28.02.2022

When Dazz and I retire We'd like to open a brewery. We think we will call it "Nimokat brewery, home of the universe's most Dazzolin spirts."

04:39 am - 13.12.2021

I'm cold

They were so cold. I didn't want them to be cold anymore. I gave them up in trade, all of them. I dont feel regret , Quill is yelling, I'm just cold. (Nimolin has released every void wraith that can be defined as a "kinsmen' of hers from their curse at the cost of all her good feelings.)

04:30 am - 01.11.2021

Just had my crossing the stars ceremony. I have gotten several questions and complements on my "tattoo" as well as been socially obligated to haze my superiors, play "Nimolin says", and hung off the side of the ship for 5 minutes. I know I'll be getting strange dreams tonight.

04:50 am - 29.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Nimolin.

Played by
Evie Magpie

Howdy I am Evie Magpie, more commonly known as dragonmagpie on the internet! I am from East Texas and I enjoy writing Sci/Fi and Fantasy as well as developing my tabletop game setting. Profile picture and cover by myself.