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The Marked Sariel Ziloscient


Sariel is a devious Dark Elf from the Underdark that now inhabits the Dale. Still fresh to overworld society, her unorthodox behavior and conspicuous appearence (even for Drow) usually lands her in a great deal of trouble.


Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Sariel's history, from the beginning to today.

Snug! What a curious creature, it emits a negative aura but I don't think I mind too much. It is calm and warm and as beautiful as I. While I'm not sure of it's true purpose, it's one of my close companions now, and I will treasure their company ardently.


This might be the grestest drink in the realm! Of course I was the one to create it! Ingredients: - Elderberries - Mulled Wine - Lavender - Syrup - Highland Sage


Look at my Pillow Fort! I would imagine this is the coziest place in the Dale... and it's all mine!


The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sariel.

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