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Iason served under Hektor during The Akroan War. As a Myrmidon he had a reputation as a fearsome warrior charging into battle and grappling then impaling enemies on his armor while swinging his long sword. Near the end of the war he finally fell in battle being surrounded by many Olatian as he attempted to guard the body of his fallen commander Hektor. Known in the myth humans of the Mortal World they picture him as a human like them, time changing the memory of what Iason and the rest of the Myrmidons, now lost in the Dakra Isles, actually looked like.   Iason searches for Hektor's soul wishing, like many other Myrmidons, to reunite with their former human commander, and perhaps even bring him back to the mortal world even if just so he would die, with the rest of them, on their home island.

The Underworld
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The major events and journals in Iason's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Iason.

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