Tippler C. Atramentaria | World Anvil

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Tippler C. Atramentaria

NG Mycelian (Guild Artisan)
Tamer 1
11 / 11 HP

Campaign & Party

Fri 8th Dec 2023 01:44

Session 2 12/7/2023 - New Beginnings for New Friends

by Tippler C. Atramentaria

We are out in the rescue fields with the various rescue beasties.
Weaver is off on its own. The closest creatures are a colorful winged dog and a galaxy eyes quill back creature that floats. Weaver is annoyed, but not chasing them off. The winged dog seems to ne communicating.
In another area is a haughty winged lizard and a whip-like floating frilled snake with water that floats around it. They are sparing. The attendants are allowing and keeping an eye. It seems to be a frequent occurrence.
A couple baby owlbears are playing in a more forested area, where a toad with a big flower growing on its back is looking after them, making sure the babies do not wander into the forest.
An attendant approaches. She is young with white curly white hair and round glasses. Her name is Joyce and is here to help us find partners. A partner needs to fit. It is fine to wait or take on an existing animal companion. Rescuing is encouraged. most rescued came through injury or death of their trainer.
Tippler asks about their stories.
Weaver came here after the death of his trainer. The two had a strong bond and Weaver has been unruly and lashing out since. Has gained the ability to take on a shell. Was a normal mustang before. Drake's blood exposure?
Alaric has worked with horses before, though none like Weaver. Could be someone that can meet Weaver's needs.
The hovering quilled creature is a moon spirit. This one is Starflower, and he is a prankster. They are hard to keep track of and require you earn their loyalty.
The winged dog is a rarity. Only known through myth. Guardians of the deceased look after spirits that have passed on. Is a Chamrosh. This one came with Weaver and was able to help settle him.
The winged lizard that is sparing is a druk called Dewey. His trainer was recruited to poaching and Dewey fled. He has not communicated about what happened and is now looking for a new person. He won't stand for corruption or wonton violence. He wants to win.
Saltier, the whippy water snake, is a hunter. His last partner thought they were too and was not correct (ded). Saltier has long gashes down one side of his body.
The other two, the bloom crawler and an axolotl, are vibing together in a puddle. The axolotl is large for its species and is named Nipru. The others might be feisty, but they give Nirpu a wide berth.
Kosi, the bloom crawler, escaped slavers and is now looking to travel and see flowers in the world. She has some anger issues. They said she was attacking those pigmy owlbears. She needs a friend to connect with them.
We can have a potion of beast speaking to talk with them if we like.
Alaric is directed to go meet Weaver. Joyce bustles Alaric towards Weaver. More praise for the bronco feat. Alaric is modest.
She gives Alaric a bottle of animal speaking.
The dog is pushing Weaver to learn how to make friends. Weaver grunts "I'm not here to make friends" like an edge lord.
Alaric offers to be an acquaintance and Weaver is intrigued by how different Alaric is from the others. Not a hotshot or a hunter, but a rancher. Weaver wants to get to the league, to be the fastest. Does Alaric want to use him for fighting?
Tippler asks if Feknaast might be interested in any and pushed Feknaast towards Kosi.
Tippler wants to talk with Chamrosh about death.
Feknaast takes a potion of animal speaking. As he approaches Kosi he hears a pair of voices that say "Don't step on the flowers!"
Nipru "Kosi doesn't like it when people step on the flowers"
Kosi watches from the water like an angry crocodile-toad
Feknaast (acrobatics - Nat 1) missteps on the edge of a loose path stone and falls into a tangle of itchy ivy. A pink tongue whips out of the pond but Feknaast is just out of range.
Kosi "do we have to fight? not in the flowers"
Demands Feknaast apologize and replant it.
Discussion proceeds of fur versus mucus. She also shows that she has seed pods that have "psychotonic" compounds to cause drowsiness and confusion.
"So what you're telling me is you have a flower that shoots drugs at people?"
"no. Its a toxin"
"what is a toxin if not drugs at low doses?"
Feknaast is interested in drugs.
Kosi turns back to repotting the plant.
Araric is asking about how Weaver plans on winning the speed race. Weaver needs someone who knows how to race, how to be a jockey and be a competitor in that sense. Alaric has some experience, not in a competitive sense, but has participated.
Khitan the chamrosh encourages Weaver being curious about new people and not automatically hostile.
Tippler starts talking to Khitan.
Alaric is actually small enough that he should be able to jockey the pony that is Weaver. Weaver is wiling to give Alaric a chance.
Time for a test ride! The moon weaver starts teasing Weaver about having a rider.
Alaric encourages him to ignore it. As soon as Alaric is on Weaver takes off (animal handling 13) he manages to get a handful of mane and stay on.
Tippler talks to Kniton. Once Weaver is okay is he gonna stay?
no. He will move on to guide another.
He found Weaver raging in a desert. he has requited a lot of patience to keep out of trouble.
What advice does Khiton have as a guide?
The chamrosh are not born, they are received. They are a bond ascended to to form of an ancestral guardian. Once the family has gone, they wander to help those who re in need.
How do they find those that need help? The chamrosh of the past guide the living to where they are needed. "Their wind carries us to where we are needed."
"I can say only on the outside that it would seem like stumbling"
A chamrosh without a family is a chamrosh that has failed. "We are cursed."
he sounds lonely.
He visited the last member of his family in the afterlife until he was forgotten. That afterlife was fun. celebratory.
"How does one find themselves walking on that border?"
it was innate
Feknaast has cleaned the ivy off his legs and (rolled an 18) did well on replanting the offended plant. Kosi was pleased seeing that Feknaast was as competent as he was. She sees now where the step broke and that it wasn't his intention to hurt the plant.
Kosi does not like nature being disturbed. Feknaast doesn't either. They seems to be bonding on their mutual dislike of capitalist exploitation and destruction of the eco-system.
"What do you do? Where would we be going if I went with you?"
"Im really just an adventurer."
Discuss Feknaast's exile from the mainland and his disruption of a bear baiting ring.
Kosi seems interested. Feknaast fights anyone that seeks to disturb nature and it's peace. Kosi wants to help fight them. They have shared trauma with destruction of their homes. Kosi chose Feknaast.
(animal handling 19) Weaver be zooming. Head down, hard focus, heavy running. He is pushing as hard as he can.
Personal observation - It seems to me he is trying to prove himself and make sure Alaric is ready to match him.
Alaric is able to start directing him. The countryside is flashing by. Alaric feels like he is supposed to be there.
He could direct Weaver towards the river or towards town. Alaric does not want to push Weaver too much right now.
Weaver want to keep going. Alaric is worried that Weaver will hurt himself (animal handling - 20 total). Weaver reluctantly slows down and starts heading back. Alaric stayed on and knew when to call it. Now he just needs help growing. Weaver will teach him how to be a rider and Alaric will help him be a racer, Together, victory.
Tippler sees Alaric coming back, and that Feknaast has made a friend. The moonweaver has been up to mischief. Tippler wants to help with more. They don't have a lot of time. They want to persist. Khiton "my family struggled with time. It is an elusive creature."
Khiton's time here is done. Weaver seems to have accepted a path forward.
Kosi has accepted a friend as well.
For now, Tippler has Wigglin.
What is next? Alaric has a league to train for. Feknaast has found a kindred spirit. Tippler has a pest to help.
Maybe we will meet Khiton again.
Joyce returns. She seems not enthused about Khiton flying off.
Tippler puts the collar on Wigglin. The disk becomes a similar shade of purple to wigglin with a simplified image of him. Then he turns to mist and goes into the coin.
Alaric already has weaver's coin.
Feknaast boops Kosi's snoot with the coin. Her collar has a bowtie with a little bell. Her coin is brackish purple like her flower then Kosi goes into the coin.
Personal Goals -
-Still would like to follow up with the Hunter's Guild about leads on a pest smuggling ring.
-Seek out contact in the Witherbloom College.
-Find a worthy trainer for Dewey
-Get powerful enough to take one another teammate (level 3)

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The list of amazing people following the adventures of Tippler.