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Nether Nomad

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Fri 24th Feb 2023 09:29

Other side of the portal

by Toluene

That portal sent me to a place called "overworld" in a city called "Virkhagen" This world is very different from the nether. There are these 2 things called snow and water, they burn me when I touch it. It's awful. Good thing is I have found out that there were other sentient people other than me. 2 of the locals (one was actually second in charge of the city) showed me around and answered my stupid questions patiently (Fuyuko, the polar opposite of my being, educated me more than my father actually). Im not used to people being nice to me, only person I talked to was my father and this feels extremely overwhelming. I took some food and a potion in exchange of giving a promise to repay my kindness to somoeone, I promised Keiko I will pay my kindness to him (very good deal). They also gave me a house that I could live in. Fuyuko offered her cave which was very kind but even with torches it felt too dark for me. I might break the roof of the house because there is this thing called sky and I want to see it everytime I look up, it is not a roof upon the world like it was in the nether, sky contains a boring moon and an awesome warm sun. When moon is at the top everywhere is dark and dangerous, when the sun is up it is warm and safe. I feel like Im a little kid again, learning the ways of life with the help of good and trustfull people. Keiko also showed me the big library place that I can learn everything from trusted books of knowledge. My head is about to explode from the amount of new things I had to learn in such a short notice. Also there will a festival thing happening tomorrow where people gather around celebrate something. I did not understand it one bit but Keiko told me it would help me get used to the people. I don't know if I can handle it to be honest. I feel like a grain of soul sand in the nether, but Im sure I will get over this sometime.

The major events and journals in Toluene's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Toluene.

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