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Sat 18th Jul 2020 04:29

Cathedral of Ice

by Thesk

[Part 1 & 2- Cathedral of Ice]
The exit from the Drift was rougher than usual, like a sea of aetheric energy raging against Shlukvel, one of the fastest Shirren made ships in the system. The drives could handle it though, they had always handled it. The purple and pink un-light from the drift rocked the ship back and forth along the seething tides of chaos. Finally the Drift sank away into blackness as a hole of light opened up casting Shlukvel back into the void.
Thesk remains calm even amidst the pressurized steam and blaring alarms ringing throughout the cramped confines of the cockpit. The ship was voicing its displeasure like a wild Karnizon in mating season. Of course the damned drift engines were screaming about a power failure, he only had to reroute all power from the weapons batteries to supplement the engines after the last service drones over extended the power couplers!
The alert from the communications console was finally noticeable as the Shlukvel stabilized itself. Switching on the communications display a Thesk stared into the bright green eyes of a Lashunta born noble woman whom certainly appeared to be a properly effective mating companion made for extensive breeding.
"Thesk. I'm glad you're here. We've located the terrorist Orm- from our data he seems to be underneath the Grand Cathedral in the city of Tridocia. We will gladly pay you handsomely for his death or capture."
Taking this information Thesk moves his ship down to the city of Tridocia to the Grand Cathedral. Swarms of thousands of faithful worshippers flock around the cathedral filling up the spaces in between buildings. The great numbers moving below remind him of flying over dead worlds teeming with horrors- those he once called kin.

  • Thesk arrives in the city of Tridocia during the celebration of Hylax, Goddess of Diplomacy, first meetings, etc. Thousands have gathered in the streets.

  • Several royal guards, including Palk, arrive in a gunship to pick up Thesk. Thesk and the guards fly to the Grand Cathedral of Tridocia suspecting Orm to be operating in the Generator Chamber under the cathedral. Thesk exits the vehicle onto the main courtyard.

  • Arriving into the courtyard of the cathedral Thesk moves into the cathedral.

  • Thesk moves down the stairwell into the maintenance hallway, he slips and falls onto the ground and shoots an arrow into the ceiling.

  • Thesk moves out of the maintenance hallway into the hall of life-machines. Approaches a door with a keypad. It's set to standby

  • Thesk opens the door and places a password on the door to lock it behind him.

  • Thesk moves into the Central Generation Room. Finds a Murder Bot. The Murder bot is working on a modified black hole generator. Thesk disables the murder bot. Thesk discovers the signal that is being sent out by Orm's ship which controls the murder bot.

  • Discovers a sketchy character, Naitha, in a nearby courtyard placing a bomb on a ship. It's Orm's ship.

  • The modified black hole device becomes unstable. It creates ice that spreads throughout the Cathedral encompassing all of it. It consumes one of the royal guards, Palk loses a leg in the process. Thesk saves him by pulling him onto the royal guardship.

  • [Part 3 - Sanctuary]
  • Thesk, Palk, and the conspirator Naitha escape the Cathedral of Ice flying to find Orm. They are flying on the direction of Naitha. They make it the station of Sanctuary. Princess calls Thesk. He hits the fuck-you button. He suspects that the Swarm is on the station.

  • Discusses idea of blowing up the station, sacrificing all the people on the station to stop the Swarm from taking it over. The princess disagrees

  • Sneaks onto the station through an airlock. Happens onto the hangar which is filled with metal, torn ships, and bodies. A Swarm Corrovox is feasting on a body. Thesk sneaks onto a ruined passenger shuttle, taking position. Throws a relay as a distraction. The corrovox races to it destroying everything in it's path. Thesk shoots it. It moves forrward firing an acid cannon. Jumps onto the wall above the passenger shuttle. Thesk shoots the corrovox down. It falls into the passenger shuttle. Thesk fights it, getting torn up and beat badly. Finally blasts the Corrovox through back of the cheek/throat with his rifle, thinks the corrovox is dead. The corrovox blasts him in the chest. Thesk dodges carefully and bashes the corrovox in the face, finally blasting his head off.

  • Standing victorious over the corrovox as the gold gunship of the royal guard flies in 20 troopers who have all watched the Thesk/corrovox fight. Thesk finds a spider-web necklace made of brass hanging around the corrovox. He takes it. Immediately transported.

  • [Part 4 - Royal Conspiracy]
    -Thesk arrives into the court room. A Mi-Go stands at the top of the stairs with the princess
  • The Mi-Go, called Maela, has been telepathically driving the princess and is seeking to perform a ritual with the necklace. He wants to use the necklace to open a doorway into the drift. This will open a door to the drift allowing Maela's brethren to take over Castrovel.

  • Some fighting happens, sorta. Thesk plants a tracker inside Maela as he finishes the ritual with the necklace. It breaks open the doorway and he disappears. The necklace is left behind. The princess has control once more.

  • [Epilogue]
  • Nurses flirt. Heal Thesk.

  • Thesk goes to a bar. Gets mad at the people. Demands plaques on the bar.

  • Goes to the garden of Palk. Palk talks to him. Talks about his love for the princess.

  • Gets a ship.
  • The major events and journals in Thesk's history, from the beginning to today.

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