Aiden Pearce | World Anvil

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Aiden Pearce

Level 4 Sutherman Lawful Good Fighter [Eldritch Knight]
29 / 52 HP

6'1 Age: 23 Has lived in the Lake Lindelye area his whole life and at 18 joined The Home-guard. While not at war he takes private security jobs. Kind, well mannered, and traditionally raised maybe to a fault can be prone to judgmental thinking.

Campaign & Party

Played by
Other characters

The major events and journals in Aiden's history, from the beginning to today.

Session V: The Night and the Silent Water

06:30 am - 30.11.2020

115 xp

11:06 pm - 29.11.2020

Session V: The Night and the Silent Water

09:03 pm - 29.11.2020

Session IV, Part 2: Still Life Part 2

11:51 pm - 02.11.2020

Session IV, Part 2: Still Life Part 2

09:17 pm - 01.11.2020

Session IV: Still Life

09:48 pm - 18.10.2020

Session IV: Still Life

07:50 pm - 18.10.2020

Session III: Lay the Ghost to Rest

12:04 am - 14.09.2020

50 xp

08:34 pm - 13.09.2020

Session III: Lay the Ghost to Rest

07:46 pm - 13.09.2020

Session II: Witchfinders General

02:36 am - 06.09.2020

10 xp

11:41 pm - 05.09.2020

100 xp

09:31 pm - 05.09.2020

10 xp

07:19 pm - 05.09.2020

Session II: Witchfinders General

06:31 pm - 05.09.2020

Session I: In the Still of the Night

01:29 am - 16.08.2020

212 xp

10:30 pm - 15.08.2020

Session I: In the Still of the Night

06:54 pm - 15.08.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Aiden.

Played by

Other Characters by Innuendos