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Wed 12th Apr 2023 10:49

About Bellatrix Orion

by Bellatrix Orion

• Druid spell focus - Star map: A crystal that projects starry patterns when placed before a light
• Ring of Shooting Stars???
• Scimitar
• Short bow
• Adventuring gear: rope, bedroll, mess kit, rations, tinderbox, tourch, waterskin
• Studded leather
• Spyglass
• Parchment and paper
• Navigator’s tools
• Hooded launtern
• Healer’s kit
• Component pouch
• 2 diamonds
• Maps & case for maps
• Arrows
• Shadow Touched
• Telepathic
1. Where were they born?
2. Who are their parents? Human dad: Theodore Bailey and Eladrin mother: Faebis Orion
3. Are they Alive / What happened to them. Father where-abouts is unknown. Faebis has made a home in the mountains away from humans in a tiny village of outcasts. She lives there with her daughters Bellatrix and Mintaka Orion.
4. Describe your childhood home. Small cave like burrow.
5. What was your character doing before they joined the party/Project Paragon. Bellatrix took care of her small family by hunting & gathering for food. She studies the night sky and maps the stars. She is great at navigation and would sell maps to locals.
6. Why did they leave it? She is tired of hiding and wants to prove to the human races that outcasts like her and her sister can do good, so she is on a quest to be a hero.
7. What and who did they leave behind? Her mother and sister.
8. If you could go back and change one decision you made in the past, what would you change? Prepare better for the journey and leave more money & resources behind for the family.
9. What is something that makes them feel a strong positive emotion? She loves the stories and the stories in the stars. She like to help those in need. Moon mommy. The night sky, exploring, owls, bats, and fruit.
10. What is something that makes them feel a strong negative emotion? People being bullied, outcasted, and disregarded. People being quick to judge and assholes.
11. What is an emotional thing they are good at? Being calm and logical
12. What is a physical thing they are good at? Medicine kits, gathering herbs/food
13. What do you often dream of. Meeting and pleasing moon mommy
14. What do you like most about yourself? Being able to read the sky and casting magic is dope
15. What do you like least about yourself? Being limited on what Bella can do. She can’t save everyone or fix everything
16. Where do you feel safe? At night in the mountains, away from everyone but her family.
17. List 1 Major goal for your character. Prove herself as a great hero and prove the humans wrong
18. List 2 Big goals for your character. Please moon mommy. Be a great star druid.
19. List 2 Small goals for your character. Map most of the world. Create a large book of star maps.
Optional Questions
1. Are you a morning person or more of a night owl? Night owl
2. What’s the first thing you notice about a person when you meet them? Their first impression / judgment of Bella
3. You see a huge spider in your room. What do you do? Druid shit and talk to it. Invite it to hang out
4. Tell me about your first kiss. Probably a weird gnome one time in her mountain village. Didn’t really work out.
5. Do you give people second chances? Yes, but only the one
6. Are you a cat person or a dog person? yes
7. Do you think you’re attractive? Neutral. Not very important for Bella
8. What’s your worst habit? Avid fidgeter
9. When was the last time you cried? First night away from the family
10. Are you a good liar? Likely not, she would rather be honest
11. What’s your biggest pet peeve? assholes
12. Have you ever had your heart broken? Nope, romance is not a priority so far
13. What’s something you’re naturally good at? Mapping and medicine
14. What’s something you had to work hard to be good at? Socializing
15. Can you tell when someone is flirting with you? no
16. Do you think money can buy happiness? No, but it helps
17. Do you believe in destiny? yes
18. Are you a good cook? yes
19. What do you think happens after you die? What ever moon mommy says
20. Did you have to grow up fast? Yes, to take care of her family
21. Who do you look up to? Her mama for being a strong single mom and to moon mommy because moon mommy is literally tall as fuck
22. When you go to a tavern, what do you order? A coffee with some whisky
23. Do you want kids someday? Not in the plans
24. Are you a planner, or more spontaneous? planner
25. Can you keep a secret? yes
Optional Questions²
26. Do you like being the center of attention? Not really, but is willing to be for her goals
27. If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today? Go to the human capital and start some shit
28. Do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion? Only if Bella gets to keep her gear with her
29. Do you love or hate being alone? yes
30. What’s the last nightmare you remember having? Being sent to the sun
31. Do you admit to mistakes when you make them? yes
32. Do you want to grow up to be like your parents? no
33. What did your parents expect from you when you were born? Father wanted her to go away. Mama wanted her to be safe.
34. Would you rather camp outdoors or stay the night in an inn? outdoors
35. Is there a food that most people like that you absolutely hate? meat
36. Are you more of a hoarder or a minimalist? Not into material things other than charts, maps, and money she can send home
37. Are you superstitious? yes
38. Are you the kind of person who remembers people’s birthdays and pets’ names and stuff? yes
39. What do you do to feel better when you’re sad? Pet Dusty the owl
40. Is it hard for you to trust someone? yes
41. If you decided to stop adventuring and settle down, what kind of job would you take? Mapping or navigation
42. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A hero
Question 1 - What is your Character's Name?
Bellatrix Orion, but her friends call her Bella.
Question 2 - Give a general description of your character.
Pale skinned human* with emerald, green eyes and jet black hair. She covers her head and ears with a silk headwrap and wears leather armor. She has a bow strapped to her back and a scimitar on her hip.
Question 3 - A quirk the character would exhibit, noticed by members of the party having worked together before.
She fidgets with her star ring quite a lot and star charts nightly.

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  1. About Bellatrix Orion