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Sat 29th Oct 2022 06:00

Love or Magic?

by Marquis of Synestia Evander Synesti

Dear Papa,
The first few weeks in Ersand’Enise have been an adjustment. Nevertheless, I am adapting as expected. Per your request, I have a list of students who I have conversed with thus far. One, in particular, has attracted my attention, and I am unsure as to why. Her name is Carmilia Carbonneau. She approached me in a crowd when heading to one of the societies at the faire I wrote to you about in my last letter. The conversation started off cordial, however, when I closed the space between us, there was a subtle change in my attitude toward her. I felt like I was relaxing. Was this how you and mother felt when meeting each other? Or is this something different? It does not elude me that I am attending a school of gifted children, but until now, I felt clear. Maybe you could do what you do best and let me know what you come up with.
Your son’s flame,

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  1. Love or Magic?
  2. Spiritual Event