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23rd of Eleasis, 1502

Lessons Learnt

by Lady Porta Strelitzia

Where do I even start? With how I messed up I suppose. I've already filed the after action report about what we've learnt but this is more personal. I made three mistakes today, and it cost at least one life and maybe three. And seriously risked my parties.
I shouldn't have ignored the scout, that was the first mistake. After chasing it off, we should have moved the camp. It would have made things harder, but we could have agreed a spot and gone there. Ranger Ron is dead because of it.
Not preparing more traps. Hexan, the bastard, was right this time. He always says he is, but this time he actually was. He was right. The traps helped, and perhaps had we forced them to look for us they would have worked. Gods damn it
Assuming the enemy didn't know about us. Gods, the arrogance, to assume that we went unnoticed despite attacking two of their forces. Despite the scout. Gods, that was stupid. So gods damned stupid. I can only hope that this won't kill us all.

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  1. Lessons Learnt
    23rd of Eleasis, 1502