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Sat 11th Feb 2023 01:59

S1 Verrick's idle thoughts...and feelings...

by Verrick Blackstone

Where to even begin...a day where I awoke to another hollow day.
Callista's cryptic as always with Their research materials...weird messenger too...lizard fellow...
Rhodri retrieved me to help with tremors I have never noticed Ran into her...gods it hurts, her smile her brightness what happened... why...but at least she is happy...after all this it is the least I can hope for I suppose, her happiness.
This group of people seem nice...a shame they have to travel with trash like me for this job...
The wizard played with fires he couldn't comprehend, the shadow beasts more like scared the rats, fleeing and fighting for their lives...we extinguished them in beaming brightness....
The elf Elodiel lost a friend, the wizard. what happens when we want for creature comforts too much...I wish I could feel sad for him...but I never really knew him. I feel sad for her loss, when people die our lives grow a bit colder...
an attack on Silifrey has revealed details of my parents possible whereabouts and even Rodri's father...and deep feelings about how she feels about my family , probably me too...she wouldn't be wrong I suppose. the blade makes me fear for Callista I hope you aren't entwined in something...