Entry 6 by Cecily | World Anvil

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Wed 21st Oct 2020 07:27

Entry 6

by Cecily

Alright journal, good news. It's been a couple of days because I had to meet tortle, then fight a ghost, THEN lock up some asshole who was in charge of this neighborhood watch group. I know what you're thinking, and yes, I did mean tortle. They're pretty different from turtles. Just learned that yesterday.
BUT, the good news. I might finally, FINALLY, be fucking free. I've only been stuck with these idiots for TEN DAYS, and it's been the LONGEST ten days of my life. But it might be over soon. I guess there's this festival in a few weeks, and a contest thing, and if we win, we can get out of our contract. Then, I can finally start trying to figure out this magic thing without having to worry about jobs, or rich people, or DESMOND, or worrying about Po getting in trouble (not that I care that much), or listening to Ishima say whatever the fuck he says sometimes. I can finally figure out why I need to be here.
I actually might miss them a little. It's not been too bad. Sometimes. And they're not as annoying as I thought they'd be the first day we were stuck together. But I'm sure everyone will be glad to get to their own shit. They won't have to pretend to worry about me anymore.
I think I'm starting to feel the magic more. I know what it feels like when a new spell comes out, or when I go too far and weird shit starts happening. Yeah, need to avoid that from now on. I'm gonna talk to that priest lady again about fixing what happened last time. I can deal with scars, but WRINKLES?
It's about time I finally get out of this, and start looking for answers. I just need to act nice for a bit longer. I can do that...I hope.

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