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Wed 8th Jun 2022 06:20

Beaten and powerless

by Anastacia Lunara

They caught up with us after we booked passage on the ship, flanked by what I suspect were a few mages. They offered us an alternative to bloodshed. Falbourne would have to compete in a boxing match. No magic or support was allowed. No matter how much time I spent thinking of an alternative, I knew this was something I couldn't fix for him. He insisted I be with him when it happened, and I agreed. Lyra asked to take control before the fight, to spare me the pain. But he needed me. I have to see this, for him.
The fight was one of the worst things I have ever seen. The bastards prolonged it by healing him. He is sleeping now, I have done what I can to heal his wounds. But I fear the trauma might go deep. Before the start of the fight, he stated that he went through multiple beatings as a child. Lyra was pressing me to get more information, who had done this to him and why? I couldn't, at least not yet. I have no idea how to proceed. It's why I need to light the incense and summon Lyra forth. If we can discuss this face to face, I believe we can find a solution..... at least I hope.
At one point during the fight, Lyra shared an angry thought "this man needs to pay for what he has done". It's the first time one of her more violent thoughts came to the surface, I can't claim to disagree with her.
I need to become stronger, some way I need to gather more strength, to protect those I care about. The worst thing about standing there watching my friend beaten was the feeling of being utterly powerless. At one point Eldar contacted me and told me to look away. I wanted to, but I couldn't muster the strength to turn my head.
I am retiring for the evening now, maybe sleep will aid my troubled mind. In the back of my mind, I can feel the rage that Lyra has against these scum. I will hold this rage at bay with a promise. One day, we will be able to change things. One day, we will have the power to protect our own.
My new priority tomorrow is making sure Falbourne recovers. From there, we'll leave this cursed city.
They say the overworld has wonders that are well worth exploring. At the moment, I see only more hardship.

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