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Fri 31st May 2024 09:57

1st journal entry: Arrival

by Jack Magier

Well, hello there, this is Jack Magier. I'm starting to journal now as well i guess. People told me to do this, they say it helps to cope with all the change that happens in this fucked up place. I know I'm probably a bit late to this thing, since we've been here for like 2 weeks of something. In fact, this will basically just be some thoughts im gonna throw up into this book. Also in fact, i am writing this during my theoretical slaughterer classes, at least as long as day can ask even more questions. So, just to backtrack, we took on a quest in Cathrea, i didn't listen to the details. Basically i was told to smack at the things they tell me to smack at and that was it, and so i did, not hard enough it seems cuz we lost and got tossed into this shithole, where everything is foggy, and everyone has Vitamen D defficiancy. The Vitamen D thing i know from day, he gives me these capsules, tells me to take them everyday. Now we're here, first of all i got drunk, because wtf just happened. But then this other dude, Vanir, kind of brought me, this one chick called Bes or smth, oh and day, he's a nice guy, kind of autistic but still nice. Anyways, he brought us along and we inlisted in this school here, they seem to want to liberate the area from the fog and search for a way out of here or something like that i don't fucking know, i couldn't really listen, my mind was really wondering around everywhere. But Vanir seemed to handle everything alright, i just had to give them my name, tell them that i want to become a slaughterer and be on my way.

Anyway, i found out something different about this world. Magic here seems to be working differently, like, more chaotic. Maybe this here was my chance, a chance to finally figure out what was wrong with me. At least that's what i thought about when we got here, but more about this later.

Small side note to anyone reading this Journal, since I'm probably already dead. Please use my body, or at least the magical part in it, for science stuff. If you are reading this and I am not dead, consider yourself an Opp.

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