After being informed of a mysterious Scottsman, who is the only one to leave the woods outside of Cohors, we ventured in to find him and possibly this witch, Lady Thyden. Cohors was in the middle of a witch hunt already, burning 3 "witches", the air was thick with gross. Along the way, we came across an overgrown trail where many people have walked. 5 people walked until 1 vanished. At that time, Tousinne heard bagpipes being played in the distance. We follow the overgrown trail towards the bagpipes while another 2 sets of tracks vanish. Around the trail, Soren found 6 black feathers from a crow or a raven. Could the people have been picked up like prey?
We came to a brook where the Scottsman was playing his bagpipes. Toussine was the only one who could communicate with the Scottsman. He warned us not to cross the river or he would draw the sword. He was protecting a woman across the river from the witch hunters, a Gallow Glass or a body guard, Connor McCould. The woman has crows and ravens, could match the feathers...
Nilus challenger McCloud to a duel upon the grimy rocks in the babbling brook. After a long duel, Nilus was decapitated by the Gallowglass and asked if there were other challengers. Soren stepped up. After a couple slashes, Soren almost slashed him through and the Gallowglass fell. After the fight, Soren noticed a bird flying south deeper into the forest. After healing, the party ventured forward. After about a couple hours of following tracks, the party came to a cave. The cave was surrounded by dead trees and a murder of crows that cawed and looked apathetic towards the party at first. The cave had some footprints leading out of the cave so Soren decided to follow them but ended up coming back to the group with a memory of a woman asking him questions. Then as the group was discussing what to do, the sun had immediately began to set and one of Soren's blades was at the entrance to the cave. Confused, Soren moved to grab his sword but ended up suddenly in the cave with woman who told Soren to take his group and leave. Then, just as suddenly Soren appeared out of the the cave in front of the group.
The group decided to venture into the cave and found 4 woman naked in a pit and a cauldron of black ooze. The women talked in unison and Thyden seemed to be controlling them. Ragnhall, while the others were conversing with Thyden, discovered the ooze was enchanted and managed to dispel it. Ragnhall then came up with a plan to dispel the women one by one until we found the real Thyden. However, after Ragnhall successfully dispelled one woman. he fell into the pit and fell into an enchantment. Rashidi felled 2 of the women who excreted the black ooze. The group took Thyden to the deserted vineyard and then Soren brought the woman back to the village. The next day, the group decided to have Thyden die to the witch trials and came back to the village to find the woman they had saved was burned at the stake. After confirming Thyden's death, the party made their way to back to Lady Eta's estate.