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Sat 17th Apr 2021 09:04

The True History of Aurgantz Fireheart

by Aurgantz Fireheart

Messilist began establishing relationships in Xhoras. Manipulated Serillia into a relationship. Brought her to him, and Aurgantz was born. When she realized she had been manipulated, they fought across the planes of Hell, and Aurgantz's egg hatched during this combat, in the middle of a lake of fire. Realizing she was far outmatched, she fled, making her way back to Exandria.
Knowing that Messilist would track her, she left Aurgantz with a Luxon Temple. Messilist was far more powerful, but Serrellia was native to Exandria and Messilist was having to work through the Veil. Eventually, he tracked her movements to the Temple. He sent the Sisters of Pain, similar to Erinyes, to wipe out anyone Serellia might have spoken to, not dreaming she would have left her son with anyone else.

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  1. The True History of Aurgantz Fireheart
  2. Fireheart's Dream