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Fri 8th Jul 2022 08:24

The beginning

by Rumnir Stormborn

Rumnir. A dwarf found at a stormy night by Father Thomas on the doorstep of his church located in a small isolated human town named Zazesspur. Father Thomas also known as Tom raised Rumnir as one of his own. Even though Tom was a loving father, Rumnir had a rough start at life. Due to his dwarven looks he was mostly regarded as the strange one and often picked on by the locals. Rumnir never fit in and was mostly alone, reading books gifted as donations to the church.
As a member of the church, he had chosen to dedicate himself to the tempest domain. He cannot really explain, but it felt natural to him, as if it was a part of him.
At a young age he picked up the smithing profession to pay off the dept he owed Father Tom for providing the funds for his education as a cleric and the church for all the guidance he received.
Rumnir bid his farewell to Father Tom at the age of 33. He traveled around selling his leftover stock from the smithy. With the money he gathered, he bought a small cottage on top of a hill named Starspire Mountains where he lived a secluded life for another 230 years. The only times he was found outside was to visit the local church down the hill to pay his respects as he was thought by Father Tom. Rumnir would tell stories out of the many books he read in his lifetime to any who would listen. As years went by his stories turned into mumbling and he started to become more oblivious to world around him. The absence of mind started around the time he received a letter informing him of the passing of Father Thomas. His death weighted heavily on him which led to an even more secluded life. The letter also came with a box, a box containing the last possessions of Tom. Rumnir quicky disregarded the box after briefly scanning inside, as it was too painful to browse through.
One day while cleaning the old cottage he stumbled upon the now dusty box he disregarded long ago. It was then that he discovered a great secret, a secret long hidden from him. A discovery, so big that changed his entire perspective of his life. A discovery he had to know more about.
After gathering enough courage, he picked up his old traveling gear and left his trusty cottage behind.

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  1. The beginning