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Thu 1st Oct 2020 03:34

Midnight Fever Dreams

by Carson Cressbruck

So there we were, attempting to sneak through the wheat field to sleep in the farmer's barn for the night (totally harmless crime by the way), when a disgusting monster ambushed us in the field. It looked sort of like a jackal, but about 4-5 times larger and with disproportionate limb lengths. Seb, Bren and I defeated it fairly handily, even though it tried to use some kind of magic-infused howl on me to put me to sleep. However, once we continued on our way towards the barn, it seemed that we had been walking farther than the distance had originally looked. I propped Seb up on my shoulders to get a lay of the land above the heads of wheat, and what he described sort of... unraveled me a bit. Somehow we were now in an endless wheat field! It stretched across every direction to the horizon without a single landmark, and it was approaching the middle of the night with no place for us to shelter!
The three of us did our best to put our heads together and try to come up with some way to find/build a shelter for the night, but we were so exhausted. I couldn't believe it was still the same day we had escaped from the house of goblins! Eventually, with smoke practically coming out of my ears, I just suggested we dig a pit and lie down with stalks of wheat covering us to... at least give us SOME kind of safety? In hindsight it really was a poor plan, but I honestly don't know what the right move would've been. Anyway, it ended up not mattering because about two feet down into digging into the dirt we hit BLUE SKY UNDERGROUND. WHAT. I swear to Sehanine I thought I was hallucinating from exhaustion at that point, so obviously I just stuck my head in the hole to look into the other side. And wouldn't you know it, the bright light of an afternoon sun shining on the VERY SAME BARN we had been trying to sneak into before was just on the other side.
Well... some decisions had to be made at that point, jackals were howling in the fields on the midnight side, and I felt like we were running out of luck over there. So I convinced the group to come back through to the daylight (Seb brought along an armful of the strange wheat from the infinite fields for some reason), and then the farmer and his dog discovered us and we had to just run off the property, collapsing to sleep in the forest nearby across the road a ways. I felt much better after a long rest, and was just hoping that things were going to be back to normal when we noticed some howling in the fields behind the farmer's house.
In a similar fashion to our previous runs of luck, a pack of jackals led by ANOTHER freakish monster one came running out of the field and were about to attack the innocent farmer! I hesitated just for a second, remembering the things he'd yelled at us when he chased us away earlier, before sprinting in between him and the monster and pushing him back inside the house. Thankfully, the three of us in our group were feeling much better after our rest and managed to dispatch the pack without any real close moments.
After the fight was over, I stuck my head inside the house just to make sure the farmer was unhurt (and to clear my conscience) when for some reason Seb went and grabbed the guy's injured dog and brought it inside to try and save it(give me a break...). Him and the farmer apparently saved it or something, I went outside to deal with the bodies so more predators wouldn't show up in this guy's yard. Thankless work, apparently. Then again, maybe not! This random farmer was somehow LOADED! He thanked us with a sack of gold pieces each. Everyone must've been able to hear my heart pounding out of my ears at the sight of the gold. It was more money than I think I've ever seen at one time in my WHOLE LIFE.
Thankfully, we had less issues on the road after that and made our way to Deastok over the next few days. Bren bid us farewell as she had mentioned she was only coming this far to go find some... Brigade thing? We felt a bit ragged, but were ready to see what awaited us in the new city.

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