10th of Midyear, 1442

Last Jarl of Eskir - The Speech at The Circle

by Jarl Ulfvyr Tahn Eskir

Yesterday, I met with Jhorhald to come to peaceful resolution about how to handle this situation where he sleeps in my bed with my wife, and when The Circle was brought up, suddenly Antyre guards moved in to arrest me. This is not The Old Way. The Circle is meant to be honorable, and a challenge to the circle is anything but an immediate threat. If anything, it assures Jhorhald's safety. And when did this happen? When did Antyre's forces begin protecting Eskir's Jarl?
I have to wonder some - Why has Carrion sent me back? I don't know if it is for me to return to lead Clan Eskir, but Carrion has sent me back with purpose. I am here to remind Eskir, and perhaps Jhorhald, who Eskir is. We are THE UNTAMED. We are the Kings of Old, now bowing at the feet of dogs. Jhorhald offered me a "plot of land and some sheep" to own so I would go away. How ridiculous is that? Anything they give, they can take away. Everything Antyre has given or offered you always has strings.
And now I look around at all of the Watchtowers surrounding us, flying the banners of Antyre and Echen, looking down at us, and I don't understand how we got here in 4 short years.
Does anyone else remember who Antyre was? I remember. They were nothing and no one. They were not one of The Great Clans, and that has always rankled at them. But we were. And Jhorhald is willing to throw that all away. Not only throw it away, he's willing to pay them to take it. It may not seem like it - but how many able-bodied husbands, wives, sons, fathers, mothers, and daughters are not here right now because he has sold them to Antyre? Sorry - sent them to Antyre? All of these supposed gifts Eskir receives are not as they seem - they have been bought and paid for with the lives of our loved ones.
Jhorhald has killed all of my siblings, honorably, and in The Circle. And this, I understand. It is the way of things among our people, and they live on as ravens in the Halls of Carrion, content and preparing for the next great feast - which is coming, to lands far south of here. But I think of my siblings. All of them, even Jhorhald, who I've known since his prick was so small it enticed fish to bite it in the river. Remember, Jhorhald? Remember?
Trygve, Guthrum, Thira, Bern, Siggur, Iord... But even Siv, who was Beloved of the Mother of Mercy - whose soul was so gentle she spoke not a word, for fear of upsetting the bees? Did any of you question, when Siv saw fit to take up arms against Jhorhald? To oppose his rise? And now, here sits a broken Clan Eskir, licking the boots of the original boot lickers, because Jhorhald prefers to set his arse upon the same chair, sleep in the same bed, piss and shit in the same hole for tomorrow and the day after that, and the day after that until the Dragon Swallows the Sun, and he demands that all of you should do the same.
Jhorhald - if that is your wish, I will gladly send you to Ayl as a diplomat of Ulfvyr, Jarl of Eskir, but you do not get to decide this for The Untamed Kingsblood.

I say one last time, that we do not need to step into The Circle to settle this, I will take Froda and leave my seat to you - only if you remember *who we are* and who *they* are. They were the first to bare themselves to Norvalled, and once conquered, they were "chosen" by the invaders to force the outsiders' ways upon us. House Antyre - the lowest dogs, reached their position by staying on their knees for their new masters. You look at this duel and you see, maybe, Ulfvyr fighting Jhorhald, but this is not the fight. This is Eskir fighting Antyre - a rekindling of The Old Wars. If Eskir wins, we remember who we are. If not - Jhorhald, you have already surrendered for Eskir. It is not too late, Jhorhald, for you to remember who Eskir is.
Clan Eskir has no masters, save The Old Gods.

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  1. Last Jarl of Eskir - The Speech at The Circle
    10th of Midyear, 1442