Thu 15th Jun 2023 07:47


by Captain Samson Drake

Captain Drake grew up on a family owned Antares freighter The Nomad, seeing more of the galaxy as a child than many see in their lifetime. He learned the ropes quickly, joining his parents in trade negotiations and making deals as a teenager. Over time though the life began to feel constrictive, and he felt the need to break out and take on his own path. His family had dealt with Federation planets and colonies many times and built up contacts. Whilst they wanted him to take over the family business they did not want to hold him back. A few strings were pulled and he was able to join the Academy.
His experience amongst the stars and onboard a ship helped him on his way into the Command track where he quickly found there was a lot more to learn about the galaxy than he thought.
After graduating his first tour was successful, onboard the USS Sahara, an Excelsior class.
His service gained him promotion and a helmsman position. During a mission near the Klingon neutral zone his ship responded to a distress signal from a freighter (the Leopard) dangerously close to the neutral zone. As they moved to assist a Klingon war ship (IKS Mo'kor – K'Vort class) decloaked, claiming the vessel had breached the neutral zone. Regardless of the fact the Klingon ship was in the wrong, it's hot headed captain would not back down and weapons fire was exchanged. The Klingon ship was forced to withdraw, and hence did not 'report' the incident, but unbeknownst to the Klingons they had damaged the USS Sahara far more than they thought. As a then Lieutenant, Drake was leaving the ship leading shuttles with supplies and repair teams for the damaged vessel the Sahara lost warp core containment. The shuttles were badly damaged and scattered. A few managed to limp to the Leopard and restore basic life support.
Lieutenant Drake suffered high degree plasma burns to his leg. With no functioning med bays the only course of action was amputation.
Fortunately the vessel was found and the survivors rescued. Drake was fitted with a bionic leg and given time to adjust and recover. Leaning into the loss and trying to understand those responsible for his trauma he took up Mok'Bara as a method of physiotherapy and meditation. Whilst offered an honourable discharge he was determined to return to duty and ensure that an incident like that would not happen again, at least under his command.
That determination led him to the XO position on the USS Pueblo, and when the Captain took the Admiral bars he stepped up to the centre chair. This is some years ago, but he loves the Pueblo and shepherds the crew as his own family. It's home, just like the freighter he grew up on, and he does not want to be anywhere else.

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  1. Background