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Thu 12th Aug 2021 02:45


by Arella

I am starting to regret getting involved with royalty. The moment that noble father saw me, halo shining, cradling the child I'd just saved from cart-wheel-to-face-death at the Bazar, he couldn't resist hiring a literal angel to be his family's nanny. And I know they're called NObility, but his offer was so good that I couldn't tell him no.
So, I spent the last few days of my life chasing down kids during a week long wedding party. But tonight thing just got even weirder. I had dinner sitting adjacent to Alakazamalam or whatever, which was already strange, and then across from was weird eyeball (Sallah? More like so long! Stop getting me into trouble!) and this blue faced guy Vadeem who is apparently???? An Emir?????
And then, long story short, we all got trapped in a mirror. For several days.
I really thought this job was worth it, but it's proven to be totally stressful! I would honestly blow this gig and go back to the streets, but I 'm still curious about Emine. I wonder if she can help me fulfil my duty to Acdona? I haven't thought about it in a while, Acdona's prodding has been a little less gentle lately...
Plus, Hasana is still missing. I don't know how we're going to find her now that the mirror is broken, but it wouldn't feel right to just leave without trying to help.

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