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Fri 27th Aug 2021 03:12


by Mohamed

We left the pyramid and then rhaza and barion fulfilled their contracts with the golden eagle's group and made a massive amount of money. Rhaza generously offered us 500 GP as payment. we then returned to the city which we explored extensively. After finding a lost pet for a high-ranking merchant who then gave us the gold coin as a passage into a secret tavern to find work. We ran into Rhaza and Barion there and accepted a job from a sad old man. He said he was 26 but I don't believe that at all. There was a terrifying-looking Dragonborn who had a metal mouth who looked like he wanted to start a fight but we just left instead. looking forward to retrieving whatever item it is we are looking for.

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  1. New Friends
  2. "BloodBag"