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Mon 28th Sep 2020 02:09

Day 1 one of the adventure.

by Blank Graymaker

Today I met Daniel who is a " tattered brown hooded cloak, brown holy robes, bald head, older brother runs the church of Gaia". He is a Human, a good fellow. I think we might just get along.
I also noticed a blonde hair green-eyed elf with fair skin. Bow & Arrow leather armor. Doesnt look friendly.
Sandstorms are common btw... good thing i have my googles.
We had to go in a hole.
Met a giant worm, worm is not friendly.
My cannon killed a giant worm so that means I killed a giant worm, worm is dead.
Daniel says he cant heal a certain status conditionbut his brother who is a cleric might be able to heal.
We still decide to continue the expedition despite Levi's condition.
We decided to go sleep before we set off.

Continue reading...

  1. Day 1 one of the adventure.
  2. Day 4
  3. Day 2,
  4. Day 4 (cont.)and 5