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Session 5

The Haavoq (I think)

by Wyntris Iathrana

Hi mom and dad
I got a scouting mission today, some of the big people in the group thought there would be a shrine in the cellar of Theo.
And they let me check it out! All on my own!
there were a lot of traps, but I got through all of them
Then, at the end, there were weird people who locked themselves in and trusted me to get them out
With a big coin that I stole, I got them out and they let me come along with them.
One of them knew that my lie wasn't true, but the rest didn't talk to me about it.
Then we went to see the mayor, who gave me money, and lots of it! 25 gold!
We got some a transport also to some place in the water, maybe there's a shrine there too, so I'm following them.
Maybe I get more money?
Someone from the group stopped the Haavok, or Havoq or whatever they call the cart without horses
Then we were attacked, but I stopped them with some help from the others
I also sacrificed the baddies to Blaharjir, he'll be happy
Until next time!

Continue reading...

  1. The Haavoq (I think)
    Session 5
  2. The Weird Boat
    Session 6