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Sun 8th May 2022 05:19

Session Notes - Start of Trade

by Rhys Silvertongue

Loaded up the Silver Swan. Supplies, plus glass and mosaic
Traveled to Trovhellora. Alarm spells, arrows and killer whale Rhys scared off a few aquatic elves that were casing the boat the first night.
Umlilo and Peter went shopping for dragon statuette
Espy and Vedemis investigated the town history, then Espy went to find any seedy side of town and discontent with Felyani rule
Sold some glass and marble, picked up ssome lumber and marble.
Peter and Umlilo found a building with the Benoit name on it..
A few days out on our way to Qhaz'dhova, a Marid held up (literally) the ship. He had been summoned to "slow us down." Rhys realized it was only us, and not the ship, and struck a bargain to let the ship go.. After a 36 Performance check (35 needed), the Marid let the ship go and Feebleminded us into blackout. Marid gave Rhys a conch shell to summon aid if submersed in water or out of sight of land.
Arrived at Qhaz'dhova- new city - wool (sheep) and incense
Sold off cargo for good profit.
Bought incense, 50 tons.
Flagship Trading folks took us out to dinner. Would like us to mention to House Ummo their desire to open a trading post. Offered some "intelligence" to us. Images of the 5 of us with thieve's cant identifying us as the "ones foretold." Tysdian source, rival faction. Would love to make more deals/relationship. We have his card to give to any Flagship courier.
Captain Nylasha shared some insights with us. Heading back to Trovhellora.
Merchant came to us next morning. Incense was stolen. Went to investigate. Found tracks out the roof, Vedemis did Hunter's Mark. Followed to a warehouse. Several party members infiltrated, then the rest of us barged in, only to be ambushed (we totally knew it was a trap, but..)
Roll for initiative.

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  1. Session Notes 4/10/22 Research Time
  2. Session Notes - Start of Trade