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Thu 16th May 2024 11:19

The Search for Jane

by Tiffany Du Pont

After disabling the guard we search the camp and find a map of the complex along with a note mentioning that a statue of Bulan has been desecrated in the final tomb and the face remade to depict a horrendous visage.
As we follow the map of the complex to find Jane, we find a secret passage marked with a serpent that leads down to the ocean where there is a wharf with a number of fully stocked canoes moored there.
As we head back to rescue Jane, the radio that we liberated from the guard comes to life. It appears the Seven Blades know that we are here.
Just as we are untying Jane, the door to the room slams shut and the floor of the room starts to retract into the wall behind us.
Jamming the retracting floor with the pieces of the broken chair bought us some time to see what was below us - a cavern with a body of water in the centre. There is something large and moving in the water.
While Juan shot the lock off the door, Georges managed to secure some rope that allowed us to descend to the cavern.
As we reach the floor of the cavern, a huge saltwater Crocodile bursts from the water. Roger threw himself in front of us and managed to injure the crocodile enough so that it retreated, giving the party an opportunity to escape via a passage on the other side of the cavern.

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  1. The Search for Jane